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Use consistent labeling for GitLab rake tasks

Brett Walker requested to merge bw-fix-rake-descriptions into master

What does this MR do?

Our specific rake tasks should start with "GitLab" and be followed by the namespaces.


rake gitlab:elastic:create_empty_index   # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Create empty index
Here is the original `rake -T` output
> spring rake -T
Running via Spring preloader in process 92050
rake about                                                                                    # List versions of all Rails frameworks and the environment
rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:install:migrations                                            # Copy migrations from acts_as_taggable_on_engine to application
rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:tag_names:collate_bin                                         # Forcing collate of tag names to utf8_bin
rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:tag_names:collate_ci                                          # Forcing collate of tag names to utf8_general_ci
rake app:template                                                                             # Applies the template supplied by LOCATION=(/path/to/template) or URL
rake app:update                                                                               # Update configs and some other initially generated files (or use jus...
rake assets:clean[keep]                                                                       # Remove old compiled assets
rake assets:clobber                                                                           # Remove compiled assets
rake assets:environment                                                                       # Load asset compile environment
rake assets:precompile                                                                        # Compile all the assets named in config.assets.precompile
rake brakeman                                                                                 # Security check via brakeman
rake cache:clear:redis                                                                        # GitLab | Clear redis cache
rake cache_digests:dependencies                                                               # Lookup first-level dependencies for TEMPLATE (like messages/show or...
rake cache_digests:nested_dependencies                                                        # Lookup nested dependencies for TEMPLATE (like messages/show or comm...
rake ci:cleanup:builds                                                                        # GitLab CI | Clean running builds
rake clean                                                                                    # Remove any temporary products
rake clobber                                                                                  # Remove any generated files
rake config_lint                                                                              # Checks syntax for shell scripts and nginx config files in 'lib/supp...
rake danger_local                                                                             # Run local Danger rules
rake db:create                                                                                # Creates the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for t...
rake db:drop                                                                                  # Drops the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the...
rake db:environment:set                                                                       # Set the environment value for the database
rake db:fixtures:load                                                                         # Loads fixtures into the current environment's database
rake db:load_config                                                                           # Send a test event to the remote Sentry server
rake db:migrate                                                                               # Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog)
rake db:migrate:status                                                                        # Display status of migrations
rake db:obsolete_ignored_columns                                                              # Show a list of obsolete `ignored_columns`
rake db:rollback                                                                              # Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STE...
rake db:schema:cache:clear                                                                    # Clears a db/schema_cache.yml file
rake db:schema:cache:dump                                                                     # Creates a db/schema_cache.yml file
rake db:schema:dump                                                                           # Creates a db/schema.rb file that is portable against any DB support...
rake db:schema:load                                                                           # Loads a schema.rb file into the database
rake db:seed                                                                                  # Loads the seed data from db/seeds.rb
rake db:seed_fu                                                                               # Loads seed data for the current environment
rake db:setup                                                                                 # Creates the database, loads the schema, and initializes with the se...
rake db:structure:dump                                                                        # Dumps the database structure to db/structure.sql
rake db:structure:load                                                                        # Recreates the databases from the structure.sql file
rake db:version                                                                               # Retrieves the current schema version number
rake dev:cache                                                                                # Toggle development mode caching on/off
rake dev:load                                                                                 # GitLab | Eager load application
rake dev:setup                                                                                # GitLab | Setup developer environment (db, fixtures)
rake downtime_check                                                                           # Checks if migrations in a branch require downtime
rake eslint                                                                                   # GitLab | Run ESLint
rake file_hooks:validate                                                                      # Validate existing plugins
rake frontend                                                                                 # GitLab | Frontend | Shortcut for frontend:fixtures and frontend:tests
rake frontend:fixtures[pattern]                                                               # GitLab | Frontend | Generate fixtures for JavaScript tests
rake frontend:tests                                                                           # GitLab | Frontend | Run JavaScript tests
rake gemojione:aliases                                                                        # Generates Emoji SHA256 digests
rake gemojione:install_assets                                                                 # Install Emoji Image Assets
rake geo:db:create                                                                            # Creates the Geo tracking database from config/database_geo.yml for ...
rake geo:db:drop                                                                              # Drops the Geo tracking database from config/database_geo.yml for th...
rake geo:db:migrate                                                                           # Migrate the Geo tracking database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=fals...
rake geo:db:migrate:down                                                                      # Runs the "down" for a given migration VERSION
rake geo:db:migrate:redo                                                                      # Rollbacks the database one migration and re migrate up (options: ST...
rake geo:db:migrate:status                                                                    # Display status of migrations
rake geo:db:migrate:up                                                                        # Runs the "up" for a given migration VERSION
rake geo:db:refresh_foreign_tables                                                            # Refresh Foreign Tables definition in Geo Secondary node
rake geo:db:reset                                                                             # Drops and recreates the database from ee/db/geo/schema.rb for the c...
rake geo:db:rollback                                                                          # Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STE...
rake geo:db:schema:dump                                                                       # Create a ee/db/geo/schema.rb file that is portable against any DB s...
rake geo:db:schema:load                                                                       # Load a schema.rb file into the database
rake geo:db:seed                                                                              # Load the seed data from ee/db/geo/seeds.rb
rake geo:db:setup                                                                             # Create the Geo tracking database, load the schema, and initialize w...
rake geo:db:test:prepare                                                                      # Check for pending migrations and load the test schema
rake geo:db:test:refresh_foreign_tables                                                       # Refresh Foreign Tables definition for test environment
rake geo:db:version                                                                           # Retrieves the current schema version number
rake geo:git:housekeeping:full_repack                                                         # GitLab | Git | Housekeeping | Full Repack
rake geo:git:housekeeping:gc                                                                  # GitLab | Git | Housekeeping | Garbage Collection
rake geo:git:housekeeping:incremental_repack                                                  # GitLab | Git | Housekeeping | Incremental Repack
rake geo:run_orphaned_project_registry_cleaner                                                # Run orphaned project registry cleaner
rake geo:set_primary_node                                                                     # Make this node the Geo primary
rake geo:set_secondary_as_primary                                                             # Make this secondary node the primary
rake geo:status                                                                               # Print Geo node status
rake geo:update_primary_node_url                                                              # Update Geo primary node URL
rake geo:verification:repository:reset                                                        # GitLab | Verification | Repository | Reset | Resync repositories wh...
rake geo:verification:wiki:reset                                                              # GitLab | Verification | Wiki | Reset | Resync wiki repositories whe...
rake gettext:add_language[language]                                                           # add a new language
rake gettext:find                                                                             # Update pot/po files
rake gettext:lint                                                                             # Lint all po files in `locale/
rake gettext:pack                                                                             # Create mo-files
rake gettext:po_to_json                                                                       # Convert PO files to JS files
rake gettext:regenerate                                                                       # Regenerate gitlab.pot file
rake gettext:store_model_attributes                                                           # write the model attributes to <locale_path>/model_attributes.rb
rake gitlab:app:check                                                                         # GitLab | Check the configuration of the GitLab Rails app
rake gitlab:artifacts:check                                                                   # GitLab | Artifacts | Check integrity of uploaded job artifacts
rake gitlab:artifacts:migrate                                                                 # GitLab | Migrate files for artifacts to comply with new storage format
rake gitlab:assets:clean                                                                      # GitLab | Assets | Clean up old compiled frontend assets
rake gitlab:assets:compile                                                                    # GitLab | Assets | Compile all frontend assets
rake gitlab:assets:fix_urls                                                                   # GitLab | Assets | Fix all absolute url references in CSS
rake gitlab:assets:purge                                                                      # GitLab | Assets | Remove all compiled frontend assets
rake gitlab:assets:purge_modules                                                              # GitLab | Assets | Uninstall frontend dependencies
rake gitlab:assets:vendor                                                                     # GitLab | Assets | Compile vendor assets
rake gitlab:backup:create                                                                     # GitLab | Create a backup of the GitLab system
rake gitlab:backup:restore                                                                    # GitLab | Restore a previously created backup
rake gitlab:check                                                                             # GitLab | Check the configuration of GitLab and its environment
rake gitlab:cleanup:block_removed_ldap_users                                                  # GitLab | Cleanup | Block users that have been removed in LDAP
rake gitlab:cleanup:moved                                                                     # GitLab | Cleanup | Delete moved repositories
rake gitlab:cleanup:orphan_job_artifact_files                                                 # GitLab | Cleanup | Clean orphan job artifact files
rake gitlab:cleanup:project_uploads                                                           # GitLab | Cleanup | Clean orphaned project uploads
rake gitlab:cleanup:remote_upload_files                                                       # GitLab | Cleanup | Clean orphan remote upload files that do not exi...
rake gitlab:cleanup:sessions:active_sessions_lookup_keys                                      # GitLab | Cleanup | Sessions | Clean ActiveSession lookup keys
rake gitlab:db:composite_primary_keys_add                                                     # GitLab | Adds primary keys to tables that only have composite uniqu...
rake gitlab:db:composite_primary_keys_drop                                                    # GitLab | Removes previously added composite primary keys
rake gitlab:db:configure                                                                      # Configures the database by running migrate, or by loading the schem...
rake gitlab:db:downtime_check[ref]                                                            # Checks if migrations require downtime or not
rake gitlab:db:drop_tables                                                                    # Drop all tables
rake gitlab:db:mark_migration_complete[version]                                               # GitLab | Manually insert schema migration version
rake gitlab:db:pseudonymizer                                                                  # Output pseudonymity dump of selected tables
rake gitlab:db:setup_ee                                                                       # Sets up EE specific database functionality
rake gitlab:elastic:clear_index_status                                                        # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Clear indexing status
rake gitlab:elastic:clear_locked_projects                                                     # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Unlock repositories for indexing in case s...
rake gitlab:elastic:create_empty_index                                                        # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Create empty index
rake gitlab:elastic:delete_index                                                              # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Delete index
rake gitlab:elastic:index                                                                     # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Index eveything at once
rake gitlab:elastic:index_projects                                                            # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Index projects in the background
rake gitlab:elastic:index_projects_status                                                     # GitLab | ElasticSearch | Check project indexing status
rake gitlab:elastic:index_snippets                                                            # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Index all snippets
rake gitlab:elastic:projects_not_indexed                                                      # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Display which projects are not indexed
rake gitlab:elastic:recreate_index                                                            # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Recreate index
rake gitlab:elastic:test:index_size                                                           # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Test | Measure space taken by ES indices
rake gitlab:elastic:test:index_size_change                                                    # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Test | Measure space taken by ES indices, ...
rake gitlab:env:info                                                                          # GitLab | Show information about GitLab and its environment
rake gitlab:exclusive_lease:clear[scope]                                                      # GitLab | Clear existing exclusive leases for specified scope (defau...
rake gitlab:features:enable_rugged                                                            # GitLab | Features | Enable direct Git access via Rugged for NFS
rake gitlab:generate_sample_prometheus_data[environment_id]                                   # GitLab | Generate Sample Prometheus Data
rake gitlab:geo:check                                                                         # GitLab | Check Geo configuration and dependencies
rake gitlab:git:fsck                                                                          # GitLab | Git | Check all repos integrity
rake gitlab:gitaly:check                                                                      # GitLab | Check the health of Gitaly
rake gitlab:gitaly:install[dir,storage_path,repo]                                             # GitLab | Install or upgrade gitaly
rake gitlab:gitlab_shell:check                                                                # GitLab | Check the configuration of GitLab Shell
rake gitlab:graphql:check_docs                                                                # GitLab | Check if GraphQL docs are up to date
rake gitlab:graphql:check_schema                                                              # GitLab | Check if GraphQL schemas are up to date
rake gitlab:graphql:compile_docs                                                              # GitLab | Generate GraphQL docs
rake gitlab:graphql:schema:dump                                                               # Dump the schema to JSON and IDL
rake gitlab:graphql:schema:idl                                                                # Dump the schema to IDL in /Users/walkerbl/dev/gitlab/ee/gitlab/doc/...
rake gitlab:graphql:schema:json                                                               # Dump the schema to JSON in /Users/walkerbl/dev/gitlab/ee/gitlab/doc...
rake gitlab:import:all_users_to_all_groups                                                    # GitLab | Add all users to all groups (admin users are added as owners)
rake gitlab:import:all_users_to_all_projects                                                  # GitLab | Add all users to all projects (admin users are added as ma...
rake gitlab:import:repos[import_path]                                                         # GitLab | Import bare repositories from repositories -> storages int...
rake gitlab:import:user_to_groups[email]                                                      # GitLab | Add a specific user to all groups (as a developer)
rake gitlab:import:user_to_projects[email]                                                    # GitLab | Add a specific user to all projects (as a developer)
rake gitlab:import_export:bump_version                                                        # GitLab | Bumps the Import/Export version in fixtures and project te...
rake gitlab:import_export:data                                                                # GitLab | Display exported DB structure
rake gitlab:import_export:import[username,namespace_path,project_path,archive_path]           # EXPERIMENTAL | Import large project archives
rake gitlab:import_export:version                                                             # GitLab | Show Import/Export version
rake gitlab:incoming_email:check                                                              # GitLab | Check the configuration of Reply by email
rake gitlab:indexer:install[dir,repo]                                                         # GitLab | Install or upgrade gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer
rake gitlab:ldap:group_sync                                                                   # GitLab | LDAP | Run a GroupSync
rake gitlab:ldap:rename_provider[old_provider,new_provider]                                   # GitLab | LDAP | Rename provider
rake gitlab:lfs:check                                                                         # GitLab | LFS | Check integrity of uploaded LFS objects
rake gitlab:lfs:migrate                                                                       # GitLab | Migrate LFS objects to remote storage
rake gitlab:license:info                                                                      # GitLab | Gather license related information
rake gitlab:migrate_ldap_providers                                                            # GITLAB | migrate provider names to multiple ldap setup
rake gitlab:orphans:check                                                                     # Gitlab | Check for orphaned namespaces and repositories
rake gitlab:orphans:check_namespaces                                                          # GitLab | Check for orphaned namespaces in the repositories path
rake gitlab:orphans:check_repositories                                                        # GitLab | Check for orphaned repositories in the repositories path
rake gitlab:packages:migrate                                                                  # GitLab | Migrate packages files to remote storage
rake gitlab:seed:insights:issues[project_full_path]                                           # GitLab | Seed | Insights | Seeds issues for Insights charts
rake gitlab:seed:issues[project_full_path,backfill_weeks,average_issues_per_week]             # GitLab | Seed | Seeds issues
rake gitlab:setup                                                                             # GitLab | Setup production application
rake gitlab:shell:build_missing_projects                                                      # GitLab | Build missing projects
rake gitlab:shell:install[repo]                                                               # GitLab | Install or upgrade gitlab-shell
rake gitlab:shell:setup                                                                       # GitLab | Setup gitlab-shell
rake gitlab:sidekiq:all_queues_yml:check                                                      # GitLab | Validate that all_queues.yml matches worker definitions
rake gitlab:sidekiq:all_queues_yml:generate                                                   # GitLab | Generate all_queues.yml based on worker definitions
rake gitlab:sidekiq:check                                                                     # GitLab | Check the configuration of Sidekiq
rake gitlab:storage:hashed_attachments                                                        # Gitlab | Storage | Summary of project attachments using Hashed Storage
rake gitlab:storage:hashed_projects                                                           # Gitlab | Storage | Summary of existing projects using Hashed Storage
rake gitlab:storage:legacy_attachments                                                        # Gitlab | Storage | Summary of project attachments using Legacy Storage
rake gitlab:storage:legacy_projects                                                           # Gitlab | Storage | Summary of existing projects using Legacy Storage
rake gitlab:storage:list_hashed_attachments                                                   # Gitlab | Storage | List existing project attachments using Hashed S...
rake gitlab:storage:list_hashed_projects                                                      # Gitlab | Storage | List existing projects using Hashed Storage
rake gitlab:storage:list_legacy_attachments                                                   # Gitlab | Storage | List existing project attachments using Legacy S...
rake gitlab:storage:list_legacy_projects                                                      # Gitlab | Storage | List existing projects using Legacy Storage
rake gitlab:storage:migrate_to_hashed                                                         # GitLab | Storage | Migrate existing projects to Hashed Storage
rake gitlab:storage:rollback_to_legacy                                                        # GitLab | Storage | Rollback existing projects to Legacy Storage
rake gitlab:tcp_check[host,port]                                                              # GitLab | Check TCP connectivity to a specific host and port
rake gitlab:test                                                                              # GitLab | Run all tests
rake gitlab:track_deployment                                                                  # GitLab | Tracks a deployment in GitLab Performance Monitoring
rake gitlab:two_factor:disable_for_all_users                                                  # GitLab | Disable Two-factor authentication (2FA) for all users
rake gitlab:two_factor:rotate_key:apply                                                       # Encrypt user OTP secrets with a new encryption key
rake gitlab:two_factor:rotate_key:rollback                                                    # Rollback to secrets encrypted with the old encryption key
rake gitlab:update_project_templates                                                          # GitLab | Update project templates
rake gitlab:update_templates                                                                  # GitLab | Update templates
rake gitlab:uploads:check                                                                     # GitLab | Uploads | Check integrity of uploaded files
rake gitlab:uploads:legacy:migrate                                                            # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate all legacy attachments
rake gitlab:uploads:migrate[uploader_class,model_class,mounted_as]                            # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate the uploaded files of specified type to ...
rake gitlab:uploads:migrate:all                                                               # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate all uploaded files to object storage
rake gitlab:uploads:migrate_to_local[uploader_class,model_class,mounted_as]                   # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate the uploaded files of specified type to ...
rake gitlab:uploads:migrate_to_local:all                                                      # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate all uploaded files to local storage
rake gitlab:uploads:sanitize:remove_exif[start_id,stop_id,dry_run,sleep_time,uploader,since]  # GitLab | Uploads | Remove EXIF from images
rake gitlab:web_hook:add                                                                      # GitLab | Adds a webhook to the projects
rake gitlab:web_hook:list                                                                     # GitLab | List webhooks
rake gitlab:web_hook:rm                                                                       # GitLab | Remove a webhook from the projects
rake gitlab:workhorse:install[dir,repo]                                                       # GitLab | Install or upgrade gitlab-workhorse
rake grape:path_helpers                                                                       # Print route helper methods
rake grape:routes                                                                             # Print compiled grape routes
rake graphql:pro:validate[gem_version]                                                        # Get the checksum of a graphql-pro version and compare it to publish...
rake haml_lint[files]                                                                         # Run `haml-lint . [files...]`
rake hipchat:send[message]                                                                    # Sends a HipChat message as a particular user
rake import:github[token,gitlab_username,project_path]                                        # Import a GitHub project - Example: import:github[ToKeN,root,root/bl...
rake initializers                                                                             # Print out all defined initializers in the order they are invoked by...
rake jira:generate_consumer_key                                                               # Generate a consumer key for your application
rake jira:generate_public_cert                                                                # Run the system call to generate a RSA public certificate
rake karma                                                                                    # GitLab | Karma | Shortcut for karma:fixtures and karma:tests
rake karma:fixtures                                                                           # GitLab | Karma | Generate fixtures for JavaScript tests
rake karma:tests                                                                              # GitLab | Karma | Run JavaScript tests
rake lint:all                                                                                 # GitLab | lint | Run several lint checks
rake lint:haml                                                                                # GitLab | lint | Lint HAML files
rake lint:javascript                                                                          # GitLab | lint | Lint JavaScript files using ESLint
rake lint:static_verification                                                                 # GitLab | lint | Static verification
rake log:clear                                                                                # Truncates all/specified *.log files in log/ to zero bytes (specify ...
rake metrics:setup_common_metrics                                                             # GitLab | Setup common metrics
rake middleware                                                                               # Prints out your Rack middleware stack
rake migrate_iids                                                                             # GitLab | Build internal ids for issues and merge requests
rake notes                                                                                    # Enumerate all annotations (use notes:optimize, :fixme, :todo for fo...
rake notes:custom                                                                             # Enumerate a custom annotation, specify with ANNOTATION=CUSTOM
rake pngquant:compress                                                                        # GitLab | pngquant | Compress all documentation PNG images using png...
rake pngquant:lint                                                                            # GitLab | pngquant | Checks that all documentation PNG images have b...
rake postgresql_md5_hash                                                                      # GitLab | Generate PostgreSQL Password Hash
rake restart                                                                                  # Restart app by touching tmp/restart.txt
rake routes                                                                                   # Print out all defined routes in match order, with names
rake rubocop                                                                                  # Run RuboCop
rake rubocop:auto_correct                                                                     # Auto-correct RuboCop offenses
rake scss_lint[files]                                                                         # Run `scss-lint --config .scss-lint.yml [files...]`
rake secret                                                                                   # Generate a cryptographically secure secret key (this is typically u...
rake setup                                                                                    # GitLab | Setup gitlab db
rake sidekiq:launchd                                                                          # [DEPRECATED] GitLab | Start sidekiq with launchd on Mac OS X
rake sidekiq:restart                                                                          # [DEPRECATED] GitLab | Restart sidekiq
rake sidekiq:start                                                                            # [DEPRECATED] GitLab | Start sidekiq
rake sidekiq:stop                                                                             # [DEPRECATED] GitLab | Stop sidekiq
rake spec                                                                                     # Run all specs in spec directory (excluding plugin specs)
rake spec:api                                                                                 # Run the code examples in spec/requests/api
rake spec:bin                                                                                 # Run the code examples in spec/bin
rake spec:config                                                                              # Run the code examples in spec/config
rake spec:controllers                                                                         # Run the code examples in spec/controllers
rake spec:db                                                                                  # Run the code examples in spec/db
rake spec:dependencies                                                                        # Run the code examples in spec/dependencies
rake spec:features                                                                            # Run the code examples in spec/features
rake spec:finders                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/finders
rake spec:graphql                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/graphql
rake spec:haml_lint                                                                           # Run the code examples in spec/haml_lint
rake spec:helpers                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/helpers
rake spec:initializers                                                                        # Run the code examples in spec/initializers
rake spec:integration[rspec_opts]                                                             # GitLab | RSpec | Run integration tests
rake spec:lib                                                                                 # Run the code examples in spec/lib
rake spec:mailers                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/mailers
rake spec:migrations                                                                          # Run the code examples in spec/migrations
rake spec:models                                                                              # Run the code examples in spec/models
rake spec:policies                                                                            # Run the code examples in spec/policies
rake spec:presenters                                                                          # Run the code examples in spec/presenters
rake spec:rack_servers                                                                        # Run the code examples in spec/rack_servers
rake spec:requests                                                                            # Run the code examples in spec/requests
rake spec:routing                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/routing
rake spec:rubocop                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/rubocop
rake spec:serializers                                                                         # Run the code examples in spec/serializers
rake spec:services                                                                            # Run the code examples in spec/services
rake spec:sidekiq                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/sidekiq
rake spec:system[rspec_opts]                                                                  # GitLab | RSpec | Run system tests
rake spec:tasks                                                                               # Run the code examples in spec/tasks
rake spec:unit[rspec_opts]                                                                    # GitLab | RSpec | Run unit tests
rake spec:uploaders                                                                           # Run the code examples in spec/uploaders
rake spec:validators                                                                          # Run the code examples in spec/validators
rake spec:views                                                                               # Run the code examples in spec/views
rake spec:workers                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/workers
rake stats                                                                                    # Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application or engine
rake test                                                                                     # GitLab | Run all tests
rake test:db                                                                                  # Run tests quickly, but also reset db
rake test:system                                                                              # Run system tests only
rake time:zones[country_or_offset]                                                            # List all time zones, list by two-letter country code (`rails time:z...
rake tmp:clear                                                                                # Clear cache, socket and screenshot files from tmp/ (narrow w/ tmp:c...
rake tmp:create                                                                               # Creates tmp directories for cache, sockets, and pids
rake tokens:reset_all_email                                                                   # Reset all GitLab incoming email tokens
rake tokens:reset_all_feed                                                                    # Reset all GitLab feed tokens
rake webpack:compile                                                                          # Compile webpack bundles
rake yarn                                                                                     # Install Node dependencies with Yarn
rake yarn:available                                                                           # Ensure Yarn is installed
rake yarn:check                                                                               # Ensure Node dependencies are installed
rake yarn:clobber                                                                             # Remove Node dependencies
rake yarn:install                                                                             # Install Node dependencies with Yarn / Install all JavaScript depend...
Here is the new `rake -T` output
> spring rake -T
Running via Spring preloader in process 95870
rake about                                                                                    # List versions of all Rails frameworks and the environment
rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:install:migrations                                            # Copy migrations from acts_as_taggable_on_engine to application
rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:tag_names:collate_bin                                         # Forcing collate of tag names to utf8_bin
rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:tag_names:collate_ci                                          # Forcing collate of tag names to utf8_general_ci
rake app:template                                                                             # Applies the template supplied by LOCATION=(/path/to/template) or URL
rake app:update                                                                               # Update configs and some other initially generated files (or use jus...
rake assets:clean[keep]                                                                       # Remove old compiled assets
rake assets:clobber                                                                           # Remove compiled assets
rake assets:environment                                                                       # Load asset compile environment
rake assets:precompile                                                                        # Compile all the assets named in config.assets.precompile
rake brakeman                                                                                 # Security check via brakeman
rake cache:clear:redis                                                                        # GitLab | Cache | Clear redis cache
rake cache_digests:dependencies                                                               # Lookup first-level dependencies for TEMPLATE (like messages/show or...
rake cache_digests:nested_dependencies                                                        # Lookup nested dependencies for TEMPLATE (like messages/show or comm...
rake ci:cleanup:builds                                                                        # GitLab | CI | Clean running builds
rake clean                                                                                    # Remove any temporary products
rake clobber                                                                                  # Remove any generated files
rake config_lint                                                                              # Checks syntax for shell scripts and nginx config files in 'lib/supp...
rake danger_local                                                                             # Run local Danger rules
rake db:create                                                                                # Creates the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for t...
rake db:drop                                                                                  # Drops the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the...
rake db:environment:set                                                                       # Set the environment value for the database
rake db:fixtures:load                                                                         # Loads fixtures into the current environment's database
rake db:load_config                                                                           # Send a test event to the remote Sentry server
rake db:migrate                                                                               # Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog)
rake db:migrate:status                                                                        # Display status of migrations
rake db:obsolete_ignored_columns                                                              # Show a list of obsolete `ignored_columns`
rake db:rollback                                                                              # Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STE...
rake db:schema:cache:clear                                                                    # Clears a db/schema_cache.yml file
rake db:schema:cache:dump                                                                     # Creates a db/schema_cache.yml file
rake db:schema:dump                                                                           # Creates a db/schema.rb file that is portable against any DB support...
rake db:schema:load                                                                           # Loads a schema.rb file into the database
rake db:seed                                                                                  # Loads the seed data from db/seeds.rb
rake db:seed_fu                                                                               # Loads seed data for the current environment
rake db:setup                                                                                 # Creates the database, loads the schema, and initializes with the se...
rake db:structure:dump                                                                        # Dumps the database structure to db/structure.sql
rake db:structure:load                                                                        # Recreates the databases from the structure.sql file
rake db:version                                                                               # Retrieves the current schema version number
rake dev:cache                                                                                # Toggle development mode caching on/off
rake dev:load                                                                                 # GitLab | Dev | Eager load application
rake dev:setup                                                                                # GitLab | Dec | Setup developer environment (db, fixtures)
rake downtime_check                                                                           # Checks if migrations in a branch require downtime
rake eslint                                                                                   # GitLab | Run ESLint
rake file_hooks:validate                                                                      # Validate existing plugins
rake frontend                                                                                 # GitLab | Frontend | Shortcut for frontend:fixtures and frontend:tests
rake frontend:fixtures[pattern]                                                               # GitLab | Frontend | Generate fixtures for JavaScript tests
rake frontend:tests                                                                           # GitLab | Frontend | Run JavaScript tests
rake gemojione:aliases                                                                        # Generates Emoji SHA256 digests
rake gemojione:install_assets                                                                 # Install Emoji Image Assets
rake geo:db:create                                                                            # GitLab | Geo | DB | Creates the Geo tracking database from config/d...
rake geo:db:drop                                                                              # GitLab | Geo | DB | Drops the Geo tracking database from config/dat...
rake geo:db:migrate                                                                           # GitLab | Geo | DB | Migrate the Geo tracking database (options: VER...
rake geo:db:migrate:down                                                                      # GitLab | Geo | DB | Migrate | Runs the "down" for a given migration...
rake geo:db:migrate:redo                                                                      # GitLab | Geo | DB | Migrate | Rollbacks the database one migration ...
rake geo:db:migrate:status                                                                    # GitLab | Geo | DB | Migrate | Display status of migrations
rake geo:db:migrate:up                                                                        # GitLab | Geo | DB | Migrate | Runs the "up" for a given migration V...
rake geo:db:refresh_foreign_tables                                                            # GitLab | Geo | DB | Refresh Foreign Tables definition in Geo Second...
rake geo:db:reset                                                                             # GitLab | Geo | DB | Drops and recreates the database from ee/db/geo...
rake geo:db:rollback                                                                          # GitLab | Geo | DB | Rolls the schema back to the previous version (...
rake geo:db:schema:dump                                                                       # GitLab | Geo | DB | Schema | Create a ee/db/geo/schema.rb file that...
rake geo:db:schema:load                                                                       # GitLab | Geo | DB | Schema | Load a schema.rb file into the database
rake geo:db:seed                                                                              # GitLab | Geo | DB | Load the seed data from ee/db/geo/seeds.rb
rake geo:db:setup                                                                             # GitLab | Geo | DB | Create the Geo tracking database, load the sche...
rake geo:db:test:prepare                                                                      # GitLab | Geo | DB | Test | Check for pending migrations and load th...
rake geo:db:test:refresh_foreign_tables                                                       # GitLab | Geo | DB | Test | Refresh Foreign Tables definition for te...
rake geo:db:version                                                                           # GitLab | Geo | DB | Retrieves the current schema version number
rake geo:git:housekeeping:full_repack                                                         # GitLab | Geo | Git | Housekeeping | Full Repack
rake geo:git:housekeeping:gc                                                                  # GitLab | Geo | Git | Housekeeping | Garbage Collection
rake geo:git:housekeeping:incremental_repack                                                  # GitLab | Geo | Git | Housekeeping | Incremental Repack
rake geo:run_orphaned_project_registry_cleaner                                                # GitLab | Geo | Run orphaned project registry cleaner
rake geo:set_primary_node                                                                     # GitLab | Geo | Make this node the Geo primary
rake geo:set_secondary_as_primary                                                             # GitLab | Geo | Make this secondary node the primary
rake geo:status                                                                               # GitLab | Geo | Print Geo node status
rake geo:update_primary_node_url                                                              # GitLab | Geo | Update Geo primary node URL
rake geo:verification:repository:reset                                                        # GitLab | Verification | Repository | Resync repositories where veri...
rake geo:verification:wiki:reset                                                              # GitLab | Verification | Wiki | Resync wiki repositories where verif...
rake gettext:add_language[language]                                                           # add a new language
rake gettext:find                                                                             # Update pot/po files
rake gettext:lint                                                                             # Lint all po files in `locale/
rake gettext:pack                                                                             # Create mo-files
rake gettext:po_to_json                                                                       # Convert PO files to JS files
rake gettext:regenerate                                                                       # Regenerate gitlab.pot file
rake gettext:store_model_attributes                                                           # write the model attributes to <locale_path>/model_attributes.rb
rake gitlab:app:check                                                                         # GitLab | App | Check the configuration of the GitLab Rails app
rake gitlab:artifacts:check                                                                   # GitLab | Artifacts | Check integrity of uploaded job artifacts
rake gitlab:artifacts:migrate                                                                 # GitLab | Artifacts | Migrate files for artifacts to comply with new...
rake gitlab:assets:clean                                                                      # GitLab | Assets | Clean up old compiled frontend assets
rake gitlab:assets:compile                                                                    # GitLab | Assets | Compile all frontend assets
rake gitlab:assets:fix_urls                                                                   # GitLab | Assets | Fix all absolute url references in CSS
rake gitlab:assets:purge                                                                      # GitLab | Assets | Remove all compiled frontend assets
rake gitlab:assets:purge_modules                                                              # GitLab | Assets | Uninstall frontend dependencies
rake gitlab:assets:vendor                                                                     # GitLab | Assets | Compile vendor assets
rake gitlab:backup:create                                                                     # GitLab | Backup | Create a backup of the GitLab system
rake gitlab:backup:restore                                                                    # GitLab | Backup | Restore a previously created backup
rake gitlab:check                                                                             # GitLab | Check the configuration of GitLab and its environment
rake gitlab:cleanup:block_removed_ldap_users                                                  # GitLab | Cleanup | Block users that have been removed in LDAP
rake gitlab:cleanup:moved                                                                     # GitLab | Cleanup | Delete moved repositories
rake gitlab:cleanup:orphan_job_artifact_files                                                 # GitLab | Cleanup | Clean orphan job artifact files
rake gitlab:cleanup:project_uploads                                                           # GitLab | Cleanup | Clean orphaned project uploads
rake gitlab:cleanup:remote_upload_files                                                       # GitLab | Cleanup | Clean orphan remote upload files that do not exi...
rake gitlab:cleanup:sessions:active_sessions_lookup_keys                                      # GitLab | Cleanup | Sessions | Clean ActiveSession lookup keys
rake gitlab:db:composite_primary_keys_add                                                     # GitLab | DB | Adds primary keys to tables that only have composite ...
rake gitlab:db:composite_primary_keys_drop                                                    # GitLab | DB | Removes previously added composite primary keys
rake gitlab:db:configure                                                                      # GitLab | DB | Configures the database by running migrate, or by loa...
rake gitlab:db:downtime_check[ref]                                                            # GitLab | DB | Checks if migrations require downtime or not
rake gitlab:db:drop_tables                                                                    # GitLab | DB | Drop all tables
rake gitlab:db:mark_migration_complete[version]                                               # GitLab | DB | Manually insert schema migration version
rake gitlab:db:pseudonymizer                                                                  # GitLab | DB | Output pseudonymity dump of selected tables
rake gitlab:db:setup_ee                                                                       # GitLab | DB | Sets up EE specific database functionality
rake gitlab:elastic:clear_index_status                                                        # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Clear indexing status
rake gitlab:elastic:clear_locked_projects                                                     # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Unlock repositories for indexing in case s...
rake gitlab:elastic:create_empty_index                                                        # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Create empty index
rake gitlab:elastic:delete_index                                                              # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Delete index
rake gitlab:elastic:index                                                                     # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Index eveything at once
rake gitlab:elastic:index_projects                                                            # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Index projects in the background
rake gitlab:elastic:index_projects_status                                                     # GitLab | ElasticSearch | Check project indexing status
rake gitlab:elastic:index_snippets                                                            # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Index all snippets
rake gitlab:elastic:projects_not_indexed                                                      # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Display which projects are not indexed
rake gitlab:elastic:recreate_index                                                            # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Recreate index
rake gitlab:elastic:test:index_size                                                           # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Test | Measure space taken by ES indices
rake gitlab:elastic:test:index_size_change                                                    # GitLab | Elasticsearch | Test | Measure space taken by ES indices, ...
rake gitlab:env:info                                                                          # GitLab | Env | Show information about GitLab and its environment
rake gitlab:exclusive_lease:clear[scope]                                                      # GitLab | Exclusive Lease | Clear existing exclusive leases for spec...
rake gitlab:features:enable_rugged                                                            # GitLab | Features | Enable direct Git access via Rugged for NFS
rake gitlab:generate_sample_prometheus_data[environment_id]                                   # GitLab | Generate Sample Prometheus Data
rake gitlab:geo:check                                                                         # GitLab | Geo | Check Geo configuration and dependencies
rake gitlab:git:fsck                                                                          # GitLab | Git | Check all repos integrity
rake gitlab:gitaly:check                                                                      # GitLab | Gitaly | Check the health of Gitaly
rake gitlab:gitaly:install[dir,storage_path,repo]                                             # GitLab | Gitaly | Install or upgrade gitaly
rake gitlab:gitlab_shell:check                                                                # GitLab | GitLab Shell | Check the configuration of GitLab Shell
rake gitlab:graphql:check_docs                                                                # GitLab | GraphQL | Check if GraphQL docs are up to date
rake gitlab:graphql:check_schema                                                              # GitLab | GraphQL | Check if GraphQL schemas are up to date
rake gitlab:graphql:compile_docs                                                              # GitLab | GraphQL | Generate GraphQL docs
rake gitlab:graphql:schema:dump                                                               # Dump the schema to JSON and IDL
rake gitlab:graphql:schema:idl                                                                # Dump the schema to IDL in /Users/walkerbl/dev/gitlab/ee/gitlab/doc/...
rake gitlab:graphql:schema:json                                                               # Dump the schema to JSON in /Users/walkerbl/dev/gitlab/ee/gitlab/doc...
rake gitlab:import:all_users_to_all_groups                                                    # GitLab | Import | Add all users to all groups (admin users are adde...
rake gitlab:import:all_users_to_all_projects                                                  # GitLab | Import | Add all users to all projects (admin users are ad...
rake gitlab:import:repos[import_path]                                                         # GitLab | Import | Import bare repositories from repositories -> sto...
rake gitlab:import:user_to_groups[email]                                                      # GitLab | Import | Add a specific user to all groups (as a developer)
rake gitlab:import:user_to_projects[email]                                                    # GitLab | Import | Add a specific user to all projects (as a developer)
rake gitlab:import_export:bump_version                                                        # GitLab | Import/Export | Bumps the Import/Export version in fixture...
rake gitlab:import_export:data                                                                # GitLab | Import/Export | Display exported DB structure
rake gitlab:import_export:import[username,namespace_path,project_path,archive_path]           # GitLab | Import/Export | EXPERIMENTAL | Import large project archives
rake gitlab:import_export:version                                                             # GitLab | Import/Export | Show Import/Export version
rake gitlab:incoming_email:check                                                              # GitLab | Incoming Email | Check the configuration of Reply by email
rake gitlab:indexer:install[dir,repo]                                                         # GitLab | Indexer | Install or upgrade gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer
rake gitlab:ldap:group_sync                                                                   # GitLab | LDAP | Run a GroupSync
rake gitlab:ldap:rename_provider[old_provider,new_provider]                                   # GitLab | LDAP | Rename provider
rake gitlab:lfs:check                                                                         # GitLab | LFS | Check integrity of uploaded LFS objects
rake gitlab:lfs:migrate                                                                       # GitLab | LFS | Migrate LFS objects to remote storage
rake gitlab:license:info                                                                      # GitLab | License | Gather license related information
rake gitlab:migrate_ldap_providers                                                            # GitLab | Migrate provider names to multiple LDAP setup
rake gitlab:orphans:check                                                                     # Gitlab | Orphans | Check for orphaned namespaces and repositories
rake gitlab:orphans:check_namespaces                                                          # GitLab | Orphans | Check for orphaned namespaces in the repositorie...
rake gitlab:orphans:check_repositories                                                        # GitLab | Orphans | Check for orphaned repositories in the repositor...
rake gitlab:packages:migrate                                                                  # GitLab | Packages | Migrate packages files to remote storage
rake gitlab:seed:insights:issues[project_full_path]                                           # GitLab | Seed | Insights | Seeds issues for Insights charts
rake gitlab:seed:issues[project_full_path,backfill_weeks,average_issues_per_week]             # GitLab | Seed | Seeds issues
rake gitlab:setup                                                                             # GitLab | Setup production application
rake gitlab:shell:build_missing_projects                                                      # GitLab | Shell | Build missing projects
rake gitlab:shell:install[repo]                                                               # GitLab | Shell | Install or upgrade gitlab-shell
rake gitlab:shell:setup                                                                       # GitLab | Shell | Setup gitlab-shell
rake gitlab:sidekiq:all_queues_yml:check                                                      # GitLab | Sidekiq | Validate that all_queues.yml matches worker defi...
rake gitlab:sidekiq:all_queues_yml:generate                                                   # GitLab | Sidekiq | Generate all_queues.yml based on worker definitions
rake gitlab:sidekiq:check                                                                     # GitLab | Sidekiq | Check the configuration of Sidekiq
rake gitlab:storage:hashed_attachments                                                        # Gitlab | Storage | Summary of project attachments using Hashed Storage
rake gitlab:storage:hashed_projects                                                           # Gitlab | Storage | Summary of existing projects using Hashed Storage
rake gitlab:storage:legacy_attachments                                                        # Gitlab | Storage | Summary of project attachments using Legacy Storage
rake gitlab:storage:legacy_projects                                                           # Gitlab | Storage | Summary of existing projects using Legacy Storage
rake gitlab:storage:list_hashed_attachments                                                   # Gitlab | Storage | List existing project attachments using Hashed S...
rake gitlab:storage:list_hashed_projects                                                      # Gitlab | Storage | List existing projects using Hashed Storage
rake gitlab:storage:list_legacy_attachments                                                   # Gitlab | Storage | List existing project attachments using Legacy S...
rake gitlab:storage:list_legacy_projects                                                      # Gitlab | Storage | List existing projects using Legacy Storage
rake gitlab:storage:migrate_to_hashed                                                         # GitLab | Storage | Migrate existing projects to Hashed Storage
rake gitlab:storage:rollback_to_legacy                                                        # GitLab | Storage | Rollback existing projects to Legacy Storage
rake gitlab:tcp_check[host,port]                                                              # GitLab | Check TCP connectivity to a specific host and port
rake gitlab:test                                                                              # GitLab | Run all tests
rake gitlab:track_deployment                                                                  # GitLab | Tracks a deployment in GitLab Performance Monitoring
rake gitlab:two_factor:disable_for_all_users                                                  # GitLab | 2FA | Disable Two-factor authentication (2FA) for all users
rake gitlab:two_factor:rotate_key:apply                                                       # GitLab | 2FA | Rotate Key | Encrypt user OTP secrets with a new enc...
rake gitlab:two_factor:rotate_key:rollback                                                    # GitLab | 2FA | Rotate Key | Rollback to secrets encrypted with the ...
rake gitlab:update_project_templates                                                          # GitLab | Update project templates
rake gitlab:update_templates                                                                  # GitLab | Update templates
rake gitlab:uploads:check                                                                     # GitLab | Uploads | Check integrity of uploaded files
rake gitlab:uploads:legacy:migrate                                                            # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate all legacy attachments
rake gitlab:uploads:migrate[uploader_class,model_class,mounted_as]                            # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate the uploaded files of specified type to ...
rake gitlab:uploads:migrate:all                                                               # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate all uploaded files to object storage
rake gitlab:uploads:migrate_to_local[uploader_class,model_class,mounted_as]                   # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate the uploaded files of specified type to ...
rake gitlab:uploads:migrate_to_local:all                                                      # GitLab | Uploads | Migrate all uploaded files to local storage
rake gitlab:uploads:sanitize:remove_exif[start_id,stop_id,dry_run,sleep_time,uploader,since]  # GitLab | Uploads | Remove EXIF from images
rake gitlab:web_hook:add                                                                      # GitLab | Webhook | Adds a webhook to the projects
rake gitlab:web_hook:list                                                                     # GitLab | Webhook | List webhooks
rake gitlab:web_hook:rm                                                                       # GitLab | Webhook | Remove a webhook from the projects
rake gitlab:workhorse:install[dir,repo]                                                       # GitLab | Workhorse | Install or upgrade gitlab-workhorse
rake grape:path_helpers                                                                       # Print route helper methods
rake grape:routes                                                                             # Print compiled grape routes
rake graphql:pro:validate[gem_version]                                                        # Get the checksum of a graphql-pro version and compare it to publish...
rake haml_lint[files]                                                                         # Run `haml-lint . [files...]`
rake hipchat:send[message]                                                                    # Sends a HipChat message as a particular user
rake import:github[token,gitlab_username,project_path]                                        # GitLab | Import | Import a GitHub project - Example: import:github[...
rake initializers                                                                             # Print out all defined initializers in the order they are invoked by...
rake jira:generate_consumer_key                                                               # Generate a consumer key for your application
rake jira:generate_public_cert                                                                # Run the system call to generate a RSA public certificate
rake karma                                                                                    # GitLab | Karma | Shortcut for karma:fixtures and karma:tests
rake karma:fixtures                                                                           # GitLab | Karma | Generate fixtures for JavaScript tests
rake karma:tests                                                                              # GitLab | Karma | Run JavaScript tests
rake lint:all                                                                                 # GitLab | Lint | Run several lint checks
rake lint:haml                                                                                # GitLab | Lint | Lint HAML files
rake lint:javascript                                                                          # GitLab | Lint | Lint JavaScript files using ESLint
rake lint:static_verification                                                                 # GitLab | Lint | Static verification
rake log:clear                                                                                # Truncates all/specified *.log files in log/ to zero bytes (specify ...
rake metrics:setup_common_metrics                                                             # GitLab | Metrics | Setup common metrics
rake middleware                                                                               # Prints out your Rack middleware stack
rake migrate_iids                                                                             # GitLab | Build internal ids for issues and merge requests
rake notes                                                                                    # Enumerate all annotations (use notes:optimize, :fixme, :todo for fo...
rake notes:custom                                                                             # Enumerate a custom annotation, specify with ANNOTATION=CUSTOM
rake pngquant:compress                                                                        # GitLab | Pngquant | Compress all documentation PNG images using png...
rake pngquant:lint                                                                            # GitLab | Pngquant | Checks that all documentation PNG images have b...
rake postgresql_md5_hash                                                                      # GitLab | Generate PostgreSQL Password Hash
rake restart                                                                                  # Restart app by touching tmp/restart.txt
rake routes                                                                                   # Print out all defined routes in match order, with names
rake rubocop                                                                                  # Run RuboCop
rake rubocop:auto_correct                                                                     # Auto-correct RuboCop offenses
rake scss_lint[files]                                                                         # Run `scss-lint --config .scss-lint.yml [files...]`
rake secret                                                                                   # Generate a cryptographically secure secret key (this is typically u...
rake setup                                                                                    # GitLab | Setup gitlab db
rake sidekiq:launchd                                                                          # [DEPRECATED] GitLab | Sidekiq | Start sidekiq with launchd on Mac OS X
rake sidekiq:restart                                                                          # [DEPRECATED] GitLab | Sidekiq | Restart sidekiq
rake sidekiq:start                                                                            # [DEPRECATED] GitLab | Sidekiq | Start sidekiq
rake sidekiq:stop                                                                             # [DEPRECATED] GitLab | Sidekiq | Stop sidekiq
rake spec                                                                                     # Run all specs in spec directory (excluding plugin specs)
rake spec:api                                                                                 # Run the code examples in spec/requests/api
rake spec:bin                                                                                 # Run the code examples in spec/bin
rake spec:config                                                                              # Run the code examples in spec/config
rake spec:controllers                                                                         # Run the code examples in spec/controllers
rake spec:db                                                                                  # Run the code examples in spec/db
rake spec:dependencies                                                                        # Run the code examples in spec/dependencies
rake spec:features                                                                            # Run the code examples in spec/features
rake spec:finders                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/finders
rake spec:graphql                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/graphql
rake spec:haml_lint                                                                           # Run the code examples in spec/haml_lint
rake spec:helpers                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/helpers
rake spec:initializers                                                                        # Run the code examples in spec/initializers
rake spec:integration[rspec_opts]                                                             # GitLab | RSpec | Run integration tests
rake spec:lib                                                                                 # Run the code examples in spec/lib
rake spec:mailers                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/mailers
rake spec:migrations                                                                          # Run the code examples in spec/migrations
rake spec:models                                                                              # Run the code examples in spec/models
rake spec:policies                                                                            # Run the code examples in spec/policies
rake spec:presenters                                                                          # Run the code examples in spec/presenters
rake spec:rack_servers                                                                        # Run the code examples in spec/rack_servers
rake spec:requests                                                                            # Run the code examples in spec/requests
rake spec:routing                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/routing
rake spec:rubocop                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/rubocop
rake spec:serializers                                                                         # Run the code examples in spec/serializers
rake spec:services                                                                            # Run the code examples in spec/services
rake spec:sidekiq                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/sidekiq
rake spec:system[rspec_opts]                                                                  # GitLab | RSpec | Run system tests
rake spec:tasks                                                                               # Run the code examples in spec/tasks
rake spec:unit[rspec_opts]                                                                    # GitLab | RSpec | Run unit tests
rake spec:uploaders                                                                           # Run the code examples in spec/uploaders
rake spec:validators                                                                          # Run the code examples in spec/validators
rake spec:views                                                                               # Run the code examples in spec/views
rake spec:workers                                                                             # Run the code examples in spec/workers
rake stats                                                                                    # Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application or engine
rake test                                                                                     # GitLab | Run all tests
rake test:db                                                                                  # Run tests quickly, but also reset db
rake test:system                                                                              # Run system tests only
rake time:zones[country_or_offset]                                                            # List all time zones, list by two-letter country code (`rails time:z...
rake tmp:clear                                                                                # Clear cache, socket and screenshot files from tmp/ (narrow w/ tmp:c...
rake tmp:create                                                                               # Creates tmp directories for cache, sockets, and pids
rake tokens:reset_all_email                                                                   # Reset all GitLab incoming email tokens
rake tokens:reset_all_feed                                                                    # Reset all GitLab feed tokens
rake webpack:compile                                                                          # Compile webpack bundles
rake yarn                                                                                     # Install Node dependencies with Yarn
rake yarn:available                                                                           # Ensure Yarn is installed
rake yarn:check                                                                               # Ensure Node dependencies are installed
rake yarn:clobber                                                                             # Remove Node dependencies
rake yarn:install                                                                             # Install Node dependencies with Yarn / Install all JavaScript depend...

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖

Merge request reports