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Creates the standalone vulnerability list page

Sam Beckham requested to merge 196723-standalone-vulnerability-list into master

What does this MR do?

This MR adds the vulnerabilities list page and navigation.

The page is at /[group]/[project]/security/vulnerabilities and the nav is under Security & Compliance > Vulnerability List at the project level.

Both the page, and the navigation are hidden behind the first_class_vulnerabilities feature flag.

Since this page is intended to be temporary whilst we work with the feature flag, it's entirely rendered in HAML and is a purposefully bare-bones representation of our current security dashboards.

The Severity badges look a little different to usual. This is to align with their updated look from this issue (#34352 (closed))




Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing

Touches #196723 (closed)

Edited by Sam Beckham

Merge request reports