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Resolve "Web IDE: Discarding changes on re-named entries"

What does this MR do?

Previously in the Web IDE, when a file was changes and renamed, discarding did not discard the changes immediately. This MR updates the disacrdFileChanges action to also discard the changes when a file is renamed.


Before In this MR (2020-01-07)
20200107_webide_discard_renamed_file_current 20200107_ide_discard_renamed_fix

Known issues

  • Discarding a renamed directory blows up. #195776 (closed)
  • The discard all feature does not behave as consistently as discarding a single file. This will be fixed in the follow up MR: !22572 (merged)
  • Discarding a staged change blows up. (Issue will be created soon)

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


Edited by Paul Slaughter

Merge request reports