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Docs: Fix typo in command to enable feature flag

Riccardo Padovani requested to merge (removed):patch-39 into master

What does this MR do?

The correct command to enable a feature flag is enable, not enabled:

[2] pry(main)> Feature.enabled(:anonymous_visual_review_feedback)
NoMethodError: undefined method `enabled' for Feature:Class
Did you mean?  enabled?
from (pry):2:in `<main>'
[3] pry(main)> Feature.enable(:anonymous_visual_review_feedback)
   (0.6ms)  BEGIN
  Feature::FlipperFeature Load (0.4ms)  SELECT  "features".* FROM "features" WHERE "features"."key" = $1 ORDER BY "features"."id" ASC LIMIT $2  [["key", "anonymous_visual_review_feedback"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  Feature::FlipperFeature Create (2.1ms)  INSERT INTO "features" ("key", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id"  [["key", "anonymous_visual_review_feedback"], ["created_at", "2019-12-24 09:26:57.079143"], ["updated_at", "2019-12-24 09:26:57.079143"]]
   (3.2ms)  COMMIT
   (0.4ms)  BEGIN
  Feature::FlipperGate Load (0.7ms)  SELECT "feature_gates".* FROM "feature_gates" WHERE "feature_gates"."feature_key" = $1 AND "feature_gates"."key" = $2  [["feature_key", "anonymous_visual_review_feedback"], ["key", "boolean"]]
  Feature::FlipperGate Create (0.8ms)  INSERT INTO "feature_gates" ("feature_key", "key", "value", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING "id"  [["feature_key", "anonymous_visual_review_feedback"], ["key", "boolean"], ["value", "true"], ["created_at", "2019-12-24 09:26:57.105040"], ["updated_at", "2019-12-24 09:26:57.105040"]]
   (3.3ms)  COMMIT
=> nil

Author's checklist

Review checklist

All reviewers can help ensure accuracy, clarity, completeness, and adherence to the Documentation Guidelines and Style Guide.

1. Primary Reviewer

  • Review by a code reviewer or other selected colleague to confirm accuracy, clarity, and completeness. This can be skipped for minor fixes without substantive content changes.

2. Technical Writer

  • Optional: Technical writer review. If not requested for this MR, must be scheduled post-merge. To request for this MR, assign the writer listed for the applicable DevOps stage.

3. Maintainer

  1. Review by assigned maintainer, who can always request/require the above reviews. Maintainer's review can occur before or after a technical writer review.
  2. Ensure a release milestone is set.
  3. If there has not been a technical writer review, create an issue for one using the Doc Review template.

Merge request reports