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Respect the timezone reported from Gitaly for commits

What does this MR do?

Git commit timestamps (both author and committer) consist of two values: a timestamp, and a timezone. gitaly!1594 (merged) added support for relaying the timezone when reading information about commits, but right now, gitlab itself ignores that information.

This MR reads the timezone field and uses that, instead of UTC, in conjunction with the timestamp. This means we can correctly display the time for a commit when it's non-UTC.


Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Availability and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team

Closes #37385

Edited by Nick Thomas

Merge request reports