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fix: use policies framework for full_private_access method on user

What does this MR do?

Extend full_private_access? method on User model class to use the declarative policies framework.

The previous approach of this method was to delegate to the #admin? method of the ActiveRecord class. Using the policies framework extends this to support the new admin mode feature.

With this refactoring we add a new :full_private_access Ability that replaces the existing Condition with the same name, so we can call can?(:full_private_access) and also support extensibility in EE.

Fixes #33456 (closed)

The development of this MR is sponsored by Siemens (/cc @bufferoverflow)


Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Performance and Testing


If this MR contains changes to processing or storing of credentials or tokens, authorization and authentication methods and other items described in the security review guidelines:

  • Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
  • The MR includes necessary changes to maintain consistency between UI, API, email, or other methods
  • Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Diego Louzán

Merge request reports