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WIP: Cleaning up skeleton or placeholder content

Alper Akgun requested to merge aa-cleanup-skeleton-code into master

What does this MR do?

This is a discussion regarding "Keep it simple" ways to do work using skeletons, placeholders and in other ways.

Some questions came up while reviewing this merge request !18266 (merged)
It uses the skeleton based documentation approach which is one way to keep it small, and proceed with small MRs. Based on the frontend development process we could put here in the description:

Skeleton based plan Start with an MR that has the skeleton of the components with placeholder content. In following MRs you can fill the components with interactivity. This also makes it easier to spread out development on multiple people.

Questions I'm trying to answer:

  1. Is it ok to allow skeleton code with empty states and with placeholder texts (such as "Placeholder text") into the master and release in the production?
  2. How long and in which state (behind a feature flag or otherwise) this code should remain in the live repository and in production
  3. How to ensure a cleanup if the "skeleton-based" or "keep it simple" approach is aborted



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  • [-] Label as security and @ mention @gitlab-com/gl-security/appsec
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  • [-] Security reports checked/validated by a reviewer from the AppSec team
Edited by Alper Akgun

Merge request reports