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Update webpack dependencies

Mike Greiling requested to merge mg-update-webpack-dependencies into master

What does this MR do?

Updates several build tooling dependencies, including webpack, babel, and core-js.

I'll update the MR description with changelog highlights once the pipeline is green.

dependency notable changes
webpack lots of webassembly and HMR bug fixes that don't effect us, potential memory and splitchunks improvement, improved stack traces for broken import() Promises, fixes bugs with DllPlugin, new logging API for plugins and loaders to improve CLI and stats output, performance boosts for chunk graph generation, bug fixes
webpack-cli vulnerability mitigation in sub-dependencies (already fixed in gitlab's yarn.lock in gitlab-foss!32251 (merged)), replaces uglify with terser, compatibility with webpack v5, and bug fixes
webpack-dev-server added process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER to make it clear when running dev-server (can use this to replace the hack we currently use in webpack.config.js#L14, removing es6 code from dev-server client so it no longer breaks in IE11, other bug fixes
@babel/* minor spec compliance and bug fixes
babel-loader bug fix with forced BABEL_ENV
core-js minor bug fixes and performance improvements, plus TC39 stage proposal updates/additions, none that apply to our current use cases
cache-loader updated default cacheDirectory, but this doesn't matter because we override it anyway
compression-plugin strictly backstage changes and sub-dependency updates
css-loader two major version transitions (1.x to 3.x) each with several breaking changes to options, however css-loader is not highly utilized in gitlab currently and none of the breaking changes look like they will effect us
file-loader postTransformPublicPath option added, allowing custom paths to respect __webpack_public_path__ at runtime, so in the future when webpack is handling our CSS and image assets we could use both a custom asset path and a CDN setting.
raw-loader -
style-loader changed options and api, shouldn't effect our use of it
url-loader -
vue-loader bug fix
webpack-stats-plugin -
webpack-bundle-analyzer fixes bug which added full parsed sources to stats.json output (should help with gitlab-foss!32863 (closed))

Closes #32616 (closed)

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Merge request reports