Create a framework for discover pages for trials
What does this MR do and why?
Create a framework for discover pages for trials
- Create initial framework with ViewComponent so we can leverage for all the current planned cases in &15204 (closed)
- First use case, but we can see from the designs some of the true framework appearing and therefore we can abstract safely into a base class concept to templatize.
- see
MR acceptance checklist
Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
Screenshots or screen recordings
no change
How to set up and validate locally
- Setup GDK to simulate SaaS
- Create a new top-level group.
- Go to admin panel and edit the group to apply the Ultimate plan.
- Add a duo pro trial to that namespace in the rails console
n = Namespace.last
add_on = ::GitlabSubscriptions::AddOn.where(name: ::GitlabSubscriptions::AddOn.names[:code_suggestions]).last
::GitlabSubscriptions::AddOnPurchase.create(add_on: add_on, namespace: n, quantity: 1, expires_on: 30.days.from_now, purchase_xid: SecureRandom.hex(16), trial: true, organization_id: 1)
Related to #489070
Edited by Doug Stull