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Remove nil content from Duo Chat message history

Merged Lesley Razzaghian requested to merge duo_chat_remove_nil_content into master
All threads resolved!

What does this MR do and why?

An error was occurring on Duo Chat where for some reason, the content in a message's history was saved as nil. We are not sure why this happens. It could just be a blip. It does not seem particularly common as not many users are affected.

In any case, once nil content is saved to the user history, Duo Chat will never work for their user again until they type /clear

Slack conversation [internal]

#478619 (closed)

MR acceptance checklist


Screenshots or screen recordings


How to set up and validate locally

It is tough to cause this scenario manually, so I just recommend a quick regression test of Duo Chat.

Edited by Jessie Young

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  • @lesley-r

    Looked around for our tools and I didn't see anywhere where we default to passing nil content through the assistant conversational role. Slightly confusing how we got that message, but looks good for helping to prevent that duplicate process.

  • Nathan Weinshenker approved this merge request

    approved this merge request

  • added pipelinetier-2 label and removed pipelinetier-1 label

  • Before you set this MR to auto-merge

    This merge request will progress on pipeline tiers until it reaches the last tier: pipelinetier-3. We will trigger a new pipeline for each transition to a higher tier.

    Before you set this MR to auto-merge, please check the following:

    • You are the last maintainer of this merge request
    • The latest pipeline for this merge request is pipelinetier-3 (You can find which tier it is in the pipeline name)
    • This pipeline is recent enough (created in the last 8 hours)

    If all the criteria above apply, please set auto-merge for this merge request.

    See pipeline tiers and merging a merge request for more details.

  • A deleted user added backend label

    added backend label

  • E2E Test Result Summary

    allure-report-publisher generated test report!

    e2e-test-on-gdk: :white_check_mark: test report for ca65dd95

    expand test summary
    |                          suites summary                          |
    |             | passed | failed | skipped | flaky | total | result |
    | Plan        | 73     | 0      | 0       | 0     | 73    | ✅     |
    | Create      | 128    | 0      | 15      | 0     | 143   | ✅     |
    | Govern      | 71     | 0      | 0       | 0     | 71    | ✅     |
    | Package     | 20     | 0      | 12      | 0     | 32    | ✅     |
    | Verify      | 44     | 0      | 2       | 0     | 46    | ✅     |
    | Data Stores | 31     | 0      | 1       | 0     | 32    | ✅     |
    | Monitor     | 8      | 0      | 0       | 0     | 8     | ✅     |
    | Fulfillment | 2      | 0      | 0       | 0     | 2     | ✅     |
    | Release     | 5      | 0      | 0       | 0     | 5     | ✅     |
    | Analytics   | 2      | 0      | 0       | 0     | 2     | ✅     |
    | Secure      | 3      | 0      | 0       | 0     | 3     | ✅     |
    | Manage      | 1      | 0      | 1       | 0     | 2     | ✅     |
    | Total       | 388    | 0      | 31      | 0     | 419   | ✅     |
  • mentioned in issue #478619 (closed)

  • Lesley Razzaghian requested review from @jessieay and removed review request for @nateweinshenker

    requested review from @jessieay and removed review request for @nateweinshenker

  • Jessie Young changed the description

    changed the description

  • Jessie Young changed milestone to %17.4

    changed milestone to %17.4

  • Jessie Young approved this merge request

    approved this merge request

  • Jessie Young resolved all threads

    resolved all threads

  • Jessie Young enabled automatic add to merge train when checks pass

    enabled automatic add to merge train when checks pass

  • merged

  • added workflowstaging label and removed workflowcanary label

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