GitLab Pages: Handle LetsEncrypt errors on ssl renewal
requested to merge gitlab-community/gitlab:467235-gerardo-navarro-bug-handle-lets-encrypt-errors-for-pages-domain-ssl-renewal into master
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What does this MR do and why?
- Handling LetsEncrypt errors when renewing a domain SSL certificate that were not handled before
- Setting status "failed" on domain when LetsEncrypt error occurs
- Sending notification to user when LetsEncrypt error occurs
- Related to issue #467235
MR acceptance checklist
Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
MR Checklist (@gerardo-navarro)
Changelog entry added, if necessary -
Documentation created/updated via this MR -
Documentation reviewed by technical writer or follow-up review issue created -
Tests added for this feature/bug -
Tested in all supported browsers -
Conforms to the code review guidelines -
Conforms to the merge request performance guidelines -
Conforms to the style guides -
Conforms to the javascript style guides -
Conforms to the database guides
Screenshots or screen recordings
With this MR, the user will receive an error notification email when a LetsEncrypt error is raised.
When the user input causes a LetsEncrypt error then the worker terminates with an error and the error is not handled. No email notification is sent. Have a look at the console output.
Console output
[2] pry(main)>
PagesDomain Load (0.5ms) SELECT "pages_domains".* FROM "pages_domains" WHERE "pages_domains"."id" = 5 LIMIT 1 /*application:console,db_config_name:main,console_hostname:Gerardos-MacBook-Pro.local,console_username:client-siemens,line:/app/workers/pages_domain_ssl_renewal_worker.rb:13:in `perform'*/
PagesDomainAcmeOrder Delete All (1.0ms) DELETE FROM "pages_domain_acme_orders" WHERE "pages_domain_acme_orders"."pages_domain_id" = 5 AND (expires_at < '2024-08-12 15:54:05.436442') /*application:console,db_config_name:main,console_hostname:Gerardos-MacBook-Pro.local,console_username:client-siemens,line:/app/services/pages_domains/obtain_lets_encrypt_certificate_service.rb:20:in `execute'*/
PagesDomainAcmeOrder Load (0.3ms) SELECT "pages_domain_acme_orders".* FROM "pages_domain_acme_orders" WHERE "pages_domain_acme_orders"."pages_domain_id" = 5 ORDER BY "pages_domain_acme_orders"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 /*application:console,db_config_name:main,console_hostname:Gerardos-MacBook-Pro.local,console_username:client-siemens,line:/app/services/pages_domains/obtain_lets_encrypt_certificate_service.rb:21:in `execute'*/
Acme::Client::Error::RejectedIdentifier: Invalid identifiers requested :: Cannot issue for "local": Domain name needs at least one dot
from /Users/client-siemens/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.2.4/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/acme-client-2.0.18/lib/acme/client/http_client.rb:104:in `raise_on_error!'
When the user input causes a LetsEncrypt error then the worker handles the error gracefully. The user will receive an email notification containing the error.
How to set up and validate locally
- On your gdk instance, enable custom domain for GitLab pages
- On your gdk instance, enable LetsEncrypt integration
- Open your test project
- Go to Deploy -> Pages => New domain
- In the domain
non-existing domain
(<= the top level domainnon-existing-domain
does not exist) in the field "Domain" and ensure that the field "Automatic certificate management using Let's Encrypt" is checked - You can now wait for approx. 15 minutes until the
😉 or you can trigger thePagesDomainSslRenewalWorker
and assess the sent emails; you should see an email similar to this.; you should not see an error in the console (when you are on this MR branch)
Related to #467235
Edited by Gerardo Navarro