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Update sequence diagram for session classify

Steve Xuereb requested to merge docs/topology-service-classify into master


Update the diagram to show that cells 1 is issuing the response instead of cell 2


    participant User1
    participant HTTP Router
    participant TS / Classify Service
    participant Cell 1
    participant Cell 2

    User1->> HTTP Router :GET "/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues"<br>Cookie: _gitlab_session=cell1:df1f861a9e609
    Note over HTTP Router: Extract "cell1" from `_gitlab_session`
    HTTP Router->> TS / Classify Service: Classify(SessionPrefix) "cell1"
    TS / Classify Service->>HTTP Router: gitlab-org/gitlab => Cell 1
    HTTP Router->> Cell 1: GET "/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues"<br>Cookie: _gitlab_session=cell1:df1f861a9e609
    Cell 2->> HTTP Router: Issues Page Response
    HTTP Router->>User1: Issues Page Response


    participant User1
    participant HTTP Router
    participant TS / Classify Service
    participant Cell 1
    participant Cell 2

    User1->> HTTP Router :GET "/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues"<br>Cookie: _gitlab_session=cell1:df1f861a9e609
    Note over HTTP Router: Extract "cell1" from `_gitlab_session`
    HTTP Router->> TS / Classify Service: Classify(SessionPrefix) "cell1"
    TS / Classify Service->>HTTP Router: gitlab-org/gitlab => Cell 1
    HTTP Router->> Cell 1: GET "/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues"<br>Cookie: _gitlab_session=cell1:df1f861a9e609
    Cell 1->> HTTP Router: Issues Page Response
    HTTP Router->>User1: Issues Page Response


Cell 2 doesn't get any requests since the session belongs to cell 1

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