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Address frequently asked questions

Joe Burnett requested to merge jburnett/steps-faq into master

What does this MR do and why?

This MR adds a Frequently Asked Questions section and addresses long-form remote step references.

We have implemented the long-form step reference to support nested steps while we deliberate the format of the short form. See step-runner#16 (comment 1870046792) This came up in and it wasn't documented. cc @lma-git

There were two questions from users about referencing steps in other "files" / repos, and mixing scripts with steps. See cc @dnsmichi @sunjungp

And @dhershkovitch has received a request for CI Components to support side-car files and asked about support in steps. The ${{ step_dir }} expression is already referenced in the docs, but this MR adds a FAQ entry to expand on that.

Merge request reports