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Replace the complete deletion alerts in groups/projects with toast

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What does this MR do and why?

I've Replaced the "immediate deletion" alerts in both groups and projects with toast messages, including the admin side.

Closes: #397029 (closed)

EE: true

Changelog: changed

Screenshots or screen recordings

Before After

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Run gdk or GitLab
  2. Go to Project/Group > Settings > General > Advanced
  3. Schedule the project/group for deletion (for Premium, Ultimate tiers) or immediately delete the project/group
  4. For Premium, Ultimate tiers go to Project/Group > Settings > General > Advanced again and delete project/group immediately
  5. Confirm and observe the result

For admin

  1. Run gdk or GitLab
  2. Go to admin dashboard
  3. Open Projects or Groups page
  4. Delete project/group
  5. Confirm and observe the result
Edited by Anton Kalmykov

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