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Add "Manage merge request settings" custom permission

This MR adds Manage merge request settings as a customizable permission, so that it can be added onto any base role.

This makes managing merge request settings on group and/or project level available to all roles, as the Owner role might have too many privileges for all use cases.

Issue: #443235 (closed)

Screenshots or screen recordings

Group member with custom role Project member with custom role
General-settings--Settings--my-group-_-GitLab Merge-requests--Settings--my-group-my-subgroup-my-project-_-GitLab

How to set up and validate locally

As admin:

  1. Create a group and apply the Ultimate license to the group
  2. If SaaS mode is:
  3. Invite a user to the group and assign the new custom role to the user

As group member with the custom role:

  1. Visit http://localhost:3000/groups/${new_group}/-/edit and verify the page is accessible and you can edit the options in the Merge requests and Merge request approvals sections.

As admin:

  1. Create a project in the group
  2. Invite another user to the project and assign the new custom role to the user

As project member with the custom role:

  1. Visit http://localhost:3000/{new_group}/{new_project}/-/settings/merge_requests and verify the page is accessible and you can manage all settings, create approval rules and settings, and branch targets.
Edited by Alex Buijs

Merge request reports