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Sync work items parent link deletion

What does this MR do and why?

When removing children from a work item item that has a synced epic, children are removed from the legacy epic too.

This action doesn't create system notes for the legacy epics nor trigger Epics::UpdateDatesService.

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Screenshots or screen recordings


How to set up and validate locally

  1. Enable feature flags
  2. Create a legacy epic Parent Epic by visiting http://HOST_URL/groups/GROUP_PATH/-/epics/new and verify that a synced work item was created by visiting http://HOST_URL/groups/GROUP_PATH/-/work_items/EPIC_IID
  3. Using the same method create another legacy epic Child Epic
  4. In the same group create a project and add a legacy issue Child Issue
  5. Visit the work item parent http://HOST_URL/groups/GROUP_PATH/-/work_items/PARENT_EPIC_IID and add Child Epic and Child Issue (they should be found by typing the title, otherwise paste their work item URL)
  6. Visit the legacy Parent Epic and verify that both children are present
  7. Go back to the work item view http://HOST_URL/groups/GROUP_PATH/-/work_items/PARENT_EPIC_IID and remove both children, this should generate 2 system notes
  8. Verify in the legacy epic view that there are no children linked to the epic and that there are no new system notes

Related to #450300 (closed)

Edited by Eugenia Grieff

Merge request reports