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Ensure code_quality job times out at 15min

David Dieulivol requested to merge ddieulivol-timeout_for_code_quality_job into master


I saw one predictive pipeline taking 30min because of a code_quality job that took a long time (trace):


I then wondered about two things:

  1. What are the percentiles/average for the code_quality job in all pipelines?
  2. How often do predictive pipelines end with the code_quality job?

What are the percentiles/average for the code_quality job in all pipelines?

Mostly below 15min (see chart):


How often do predictive pipelines end with the code_quality job?

Not very often. 0.5% of the successful predictive pipelines:


Not a game changer, but could still make a few pipelines faster, which I like.

What does this MR do and why?

Ensure code_quality job times out at 15min (which is still below the P95 duration of the job).

The job is allowed to fail as well, so timing it out shouldn't impact much.

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