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Bug fix for canceling with after_script for low output scripts

Allison Browne requested to merge add-status-to-update-endpoint into master

What does this MR do and why?

Bug fix for single line cancellations running after_script on cancellation

When supporting running the after_script on cancel we need to add the Job-Status to the runner api update endpoint in addition to the /trace endpoint.

Previously the Job-Status was only sent over for the append /trace endpoint and the cancellation would cause the update endpoint to send back a 403 forbidden http status.

Sending the status for only append /trace causes single line scripts to never cancel for long commands that don't print to standard out (because we never append the trace).

Having the update endpoint also support Job-Status allows the cancelation to occur earlier at the next update request which is specified by the update-Interval.

Without ci_canceling_status status enabled, we make it look like the job is canceled on the runner even when it's not yet fully canceled, this is no longer possible with the after_script logs still to come.

We can consider in another issue, after the release, how to make it even more responsive:

  • We probably don't want to poll more frequently, increasing the load

  • We could consider a webhook, where gitlab sends an http request with the cancellation data to a new runner PATCH endpoint.

How to set up and validate locally

See the issue: #456252 (closed)

Edited by Allison Browne

Merge request reports