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Enable VS Code private extensions marketplace for Web IDE in workspaces

Chad Woolley requested to merge caw-vscode-extensions-marketplace into master

Issue: Enable VS Code private extensions marketplace f... (#451941 - closed)

What does this MR do and why?

Enable VS Code private extensions marketplace.

See also related issue for these settings in the non-remote-dev Web IDE: Create Instance-Level and Root-Group-Level Exte... (#451871)

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Feature.enable(:allow_extensions_marketplace_in_workspace)

  2. Start a local workspace and verify the default openvsx-org marketplace is used (select an extension and hover over the Marketplace link).

  3. Override the necessary env var to pick a different marketplace as documented in #451419. I.e., override to the official

export GITLAB_REMOTE_DEVELOPMENT_VSCODE_EXTENSIONS_GALLERY='{"service_url":"","item_url":"","resource_url_template":"https://{publisher}{publisher}/{name}/{version}/{path}"}'

  1. Start a NEW local workspace and see that the specified marketplace is used in the Web IDE (select an extension and hover over the Marketplace link) and that it allows installation of extensions.

  2. Feature.disable(:allow_extensions_marketplace_in_workspace)

  3. Start a NEW local workspace and see that the marketplace is disabled.


With ENV var set

Marketplace is enabled and overridden, extensions can be successfully installed.


Without ENV var set

Marketplace is enabled and uses default openvsx marketplace.


With feature flag disabled

Marketplace is disabled


Edited by Chad Woolley

Merge request reports