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Add CI component usage internal event tracking

What does this MR do and why?

Our overall objective in the parent issue #440382 (closed) is to implement component usage instrumentation. Specifically, we want to track only components that exist in the CI/CD Catalog (i.e. ones that have corresponding records in the catalog_resource_components table.) This MR resolves the requirement to monitor usage trends of components on, which we can accomplish using Internal Events.

In !147378 (merged), we introduced two methods:

  • included_components: returns the project, name, and sha of any component included in the pipeline using the include:component keyword.
  • find_catalog_component: only returns components that exist in catalog_resource_components.

In this MR, we now utilize the two methods in a new pipeline creation chain step ComponentUsage. For each catalog component found, we send an Internal Event. This will allow us to monitor the usage trends of components hosted on

Internal event note:

  • We're making use of additional properties so that we can later break down the data by component name (and version) and/or component project path.

Feature flag:

Resolves Child Task #443382 (closed) of Parent Issue #440382 (closed).

How to set up and validate locally

To test this, we will set up a scenario that involves multiple components to ensure that we're only sending an Internal Event for components that exist in the CI/CD Catalog.

NOTE: In the following steps, replace the <VALUE> placeholders as needed.

  1. Enable the feature flag: Feature.enable(:ci_track_catalog_component_usage)
  2. Set up your local gdk to run Snowplow: Setup local event collector
  3. Start the Internal Events Monitor:
rails runner scripts/internal_events/monitor.rb ci_catalog_component_included
  1. Create two new projects Project 1 and Project 2 (with files) in a group named Group C. Only update Project 1 to be a CI/CD Catalog project.
  2. In Project 1, create a new templates folder and add the following file:


  script: echo
  1. In Project 2, create a new templates folder and add the following file:


  script: echo
  1. For each project:
  • Make any change to the file and commit it to branch1; then commit another change to branch2.
  • Create tags 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 for each branch respectively.
  • Create a release for each tag in the Rails console:
project_1 = Project.find(<PROJECT_1_ID>)
project_2 = Project.find(<PROJECT_2_ID>)
user = User.find(1) # Your root user

[project_1, project_2].each do |project|
  project.repository.tags.each do |tag|, user, tag:
  1. In any project, update your .gitlab-ci.yml with the following (this should start a new pipeline run):
  - component: gdk.test:3000/group-c/project-1/component_a@main # Not a released/versioned component
  - component: gdk.test:3000/group-c/project-1/component_a@1.0.0
  - component: gdk.test:3000/group-c/project-1/component_a@2.0.0
  - component: gdk.test:3000/group-c/project-2/component_x@1.0.0 # Project is not a catalog resource
  - component: gdk.test:3000/group-c/project-2/component_x@2.0.0 # Project is not a catalog resource

With the above pipeline config, we expect only component_a@1.0.0 and component_a@2.0.0 to be tracked.

  1. In the Internal Event Monitor, enter 'p' to refresh the data. Observe that we have exactly 2 Snowplow events recorded. The Redis HLL counters should be 1 since they're unique by project_id. The project_id should be of the project that ran the pipeline.


  1. For good measure, let's also make sure the additional properties of the Snowplow events are correct.
  • Open the local Snowplow Micro UI by going to http://localhost:9091/micro/ui.
  • In the Events Table section, search ci_catalog_component_included.
  • Open the Event Details of the last two events.
  • Expand root > rawEvent > parameters.
  • Observe that se_va = 1 and se_la = group-c/project-1 for both. se_pr should be component_a@2.0.0 for one and component_a@1.0.0 for the other.


MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #440382 (closed)

Edited by Leaminn Ma

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