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Fix RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker retry scheduled_time arg

Kyle Russell requested to merge bkylerussell/gitlab:retry into master

What does this MR do and why?

Fix RepositoryUpdateRemoteMirrorWorker retry scheduled_time arg

If the first sync attempt (tries == 0) fails very quickly and we immediately schedule a retry (tries == 1), arg scheduled_time was not adjusted for the mirror's backoff_delay. When sidekiq serializes the original Time.current value to JSON, some precision is lost. If the new scheduled_time is close enough to the previous attempt (last_updated_started_at), then the remote_mirror.updated_since? check thinks we've already performed the update and never schedules any successive retries (tries > 1).

"time":"2024-03-05T19:06:18.374Z","timestamp":"2024-03-05 19:06:18 UTC","last_update_started_at":"2024-03-05T18:41:53.049Z","updated_since":false
"time":"2024-03-05T19:11:21.366Z","timestamp":"2024-03-05 19:06:18 UTC","last_update_started_at":"2024-03-05T19:06:18.646Z","updated_since":true

When we don't exceed MAX_TRIES, the mirror sync may never be marked as failed which breaks the failure notification and :remote_mirrors_failed metric. (RemoteMirror.send_failure_notifications() is never called.)

Sidekiq warns about passing Time values as arguments, but we can preserve the updated_since? behavior by adjusting the scheduled_time for each successive retry (as long as backoff_delay has a resolution greater than 1.second, which is the most precision we get from sidekiq).

Don't pass symbols, named parameters, keyword arguments or complex Ruby objects (like Date or Time!)


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