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Backfill semvar columns of existing catalog resource versions

Leaminn Ma requested to merge migrate-ci-catalog-version-semvar into master

Update [2024-03-07]

As described below, we had enforced the use of semantic versioning on Catalog Resource Versions in #427286 (closed). However, since it was released prior to backfilling data for existing Versions, this caused a breaking change and/or UI bug for many customers (see gitlab-com/gl-infra/delivery#19995 (comment 1806053147)). For this reason, the backfill migration in this MR is necessary to fix the issue for our customers.

What does this MR do and why?

In #427286 (closed), we enforced the use of semantic versioning on Release tags of catalog resources. When a new release is created, the version numbers from the tag are parsed and saved in the semver_* columns of the corresponding catalog_resource_versions record.

In this MR, we are backfilling existing catalog resource versions that don't yet have their semver_* columns updated. Versions whose name (release.tag) matches the format for a valid, partial, or extended semantic version are updated accordingly.

Partial/extended semantic versions must first be normalized into the conventional format because otherwise the regex Gitlab::Regex.semver_regex does not consider them a match.

Example conversions:

1         => 1.0.0
v1.2      => 1.2.0
1.2-alpha => 1.2.0-alpha
1.0+123   => 1.0.0+123   => 1.2.3
v4. => 4.5.6-beta

Any tag values that do not start with digits separated by the . delimiter are not converted.

Migration notes:

  • A follow-up MR to finalize the backfill migration will be done in the following milestone.
  • There are currently 1942 rows in the catalog_resource_versions table [as of 2024-03-06].

Resolves #444303 (closed).

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.


  1. with_release_tag(sub_batch)
SELECT catalog_resource_versions.*, releases.tag
FROM "catalog_resource_versions"
INNER JOIN releases ON = catalog_resource_versions.release_id 
WHERE "catalog_resource_versions"."id" BETWEEN 1 AND 15
  AND "catalog_resource_versions"."semver_major" IS NULL 
  AND "catalog_resource_versions"."id" >= 1

Query plan link:

  1. Update
UPDATE "catalog_resource_versions"
SET "semver_major" = 4, "semver_minor" = 5, "semver_patch" = 6, "semver_prerelease" = 'alpha' 
WHERE "catalog_resource_versions"."id" = 30

Query plan link:



main: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 119420, pg_backend_pid: 27853
main: == 20240305182005 QueueBackfillCatalogResourceVersionSemVer: migrating ========
main: == 20240305182005 QueueBackfillCatalogResourceVersionSemVer: migrated (0.0489s) 

main: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 119420, pg_backend_pid: 27853
ci: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 119980, pg_backend_pid: 27855
ci: == 20240305182005 QueueBackfillCatalogResourceVersionSemVer: migrating ========
ci: -- The migration is skipped since it modifies the schemas: [:gitlab_main].
ci: -- This database can only apply migrations in one of the following schemas: [:gitlab_ci, :gitlab_internal, :gitlab_shared].
ci: == 20240305182005 QueueBackfillCatalogResourceVersionSemVer: migrated (0.0074s) 

ci: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 119980, pg_backend_pid: 27855


main: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 119060, pg_backend_pid: 36115
main: == 20240305182005 QueueBackfillCatalogResourceVersionSemVer: reverting ========
main: == 20240305182005 QueueBackfillCatalogResourceVersionSemVer: reverted (0.0263s) 

main: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 119060, pg_backend_pid: 36115
ci: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 119060, pg_backend_pid: 36572
ci: == 20240305182005 QueueBackfillCatalogResourceVersionSemVer: reverting ========
ci: -- The migration is skipped since it modifies the schemas: [:gitlab_main].
ci: -- This database can only apply migrations in one of the following schemas: [:gitlab_ci, :gitlab_internal, :gitlab_shared].
ci: == 20240305182005 QueueBackfillCatalogResourceVersionSemVer: reverted (0.0084s) 

ci: == [advisory_lock_connection] object_id: 119060, pg_backend_pid: 36572

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Before checking out this branch and running the migration, first set up a catalog resource. You can create a new catalog resource (aka "component project") via the UI or you can seed one with the following command:
bundle exec rake "gitlab:seed:ci_catalog_resources[<YOUR-GROUP-PATH>, 1, true]"
  1. In the Rails console add releases and corresponding versions to the catalog resource project with a variety of tag name values:
project = Project.find(<PROJECT_ID>) # ID of the project object created from Step 1 (not of the catalog resource object).
author = User.first # Modify this as needed if your first User isn't valid.
tags = ["0.1", "", "1.1-alpha", "1.1.3-beta", "v1.1.3.5-beta", "1.2.3", "4.5+123", "5", "not-a-version", "test++..", "v3"]

tags.each do |tag|
  release = Release.create!(tag: tag, project: project, released_at:, author: author)
  version = release, catalog_resource: project.catalog_resource, project: project) false)
  1. Confirm with the following query that the catalog_resource_versions.semver_* columns are all nil.
project.reload.catalog_resource.versions.includes(:release).each_with_object({}) do |row, obj|
  obj[] = [row.semver_major, row.semver_minor, row.semver_patch, row.semver_prerelease]


  1. Now check out this branch and run the backfill migration.
bundle exec rails db:migrate
  1. Re-run the query from Step (3), and observe that the semver columns have been backfilled as expected.


  1. Clean up: Destroy the releases created in Step (2) because they're not actually associated with real tags and may cause unexpected behaviour with your gdk later.

Related to #444303 (closed)

Edited by Leaminn Ma

Merge request reports