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Add columns for require_reauthentication_to_approve

What does this MR do and why?

Add columns for require_reauthentication_to_approve

  • Add columns to migrate require_password_to_approve to a name that will fit authentication on merge requets for password and SAMl SSO alike.

  • Refs: #431346

This is part of a larger effort to have the attribute in the backend and API match the current UI, since we've added SAML based MR approval in the past without touching the underlying database/API names.

Changelog: changed

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

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How to set up and validate locally

  1. Run migrations
Edited by Sam Figueroa

Merge request reports