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Backup and remove orphaned notes

euko requested to merge remove-notes-with-null-noteable-type into master

What does this MR do and why?

#438237 (closed)

We've discovered that there were notes records with NULL noteable_type in the production database. There were 1.6k of them, all from 2013/14 by the created_at/updated_at attributes.

A new check constraint (NOT NULL) has been added in an earlier MR. This MR attempts to backup and remove the orphaned records using the batched background migration tooling.

  • Creates a new table temp_notes_backup to store the orphaned records. Before removing the orphaned records, we want to make sure they are backed up to guard against inadvertent data loss (

  • Creates and queues a background migration that copies the orphaned records from notes into temp_notes_backup then removes them.

The follow-up issue to track the finalization/cleanup is #443667 (closed).

Query plans:

Edited by euko

Merge request reports