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Add REST API to project's groups allowlist

Original follow-up issue: #441291 (closed)

Original issue: #435903 (closed)

What does this MR do and why?

Introduces a new REST API endpoints to:

  • To fetch the project's groups allowlist
    • GET "api/v4/projects/:id/job_token_scope/groups_allowlist"
    • The response is paginated
  • To add a target group to the project's groups allowlist
    • POST "api/v4/projects/:id/job_token_scope/groups_allowlist"
  • To remove a target group from the project's groups allow list
    • DELETE "api/v4/projects/:id/job_token_scope/groups_allowlist/:target_group_id"

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Create a personal access token with the respective permissions
  2. Ensure the user of the personal access token is at least a maintainer of the project
  3. Execute the following curl commands

Fetch allowed groups


curl --request GET \



Add a target group to the allowlist


curl --request POST \
  --url<personal_access_token_of_project_maintainer> \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{"target_group_id": <target group id>}'



Delete a target group from the allowlist


curl --request DELETE \
  --url \
  --header 'PRIVATE_TOKEN: <personal_access_token_of_project_maintainer> ' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
Edited by Dmytro Biryukov

Merge request reports