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Migrate todos empty state component

Julia Miocene requested to merge todos-update-07-02 into master

What does this MR do and why?

Migrate todos empty state component

MR acceptance checklist

Please evaluate this MR against the MR acceptance checklist. It helps you analyze changes to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Screenshots or screen recordings

Before After
6_before 6_after
7_before 7_after
8_before 8_after

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Go to /dashboard/todos

  2. If you have any todos, click [Mark all as done]

  3. See You're all done empty state

  4. Choose any project from the filter

  5. See another empty state

  6. Go to /admin/users/reported_user_9

  7. Click on [Impersonate] button in the right top corner of the page

  8. Go to /dashboard/todos

  9. See another empty state

#430246 (closed)

Edited by Julia Miocene

Merge request reports