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Add extra argument to UnassignIssuablesWorker

euko requested to merge 431288-update-sidekiq-worker-arg into master

What does this MR do and why?

When a member is deleted from a project or a group, the member can be, optionally, unassigned from issues and merge requests. When this happens, no note recording the unassignment events are created as reported in #431288 (closed).

UnassignIssuablesWorker/UnassignIssuablesService simply deletes the assignees records. To correctly handle creating notes and the updates, it's desirable to use the existing update services using the user (current_user) who's performing the deletion of a member.

This MR updates UnassignIssuablesWorker with an extra argument that would accept the id of the user performing the deletion. No feature change actually occurs in this MR (milestone) as the worker must stay compatible backward/forward

Edited by euko

Merge request reports