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Use radio buttons for admin group permission

Annabel Dunstone Gray requested to merge 435326-admin-permissions into master

What does this MR do and why?

  • Use radio buttons for admin group permission (to match group settings)
  • Update labels to match group settings

Why radio buttons instead of a select?

  • When there are only two options it makes sense to go ahead and show them both (I swear this is documented somewhere but I can't find it at the moment)

Screenshots or screen recordings

Before After
Screenshot_2024-01-31_at_2.54.41_PM Screenshot_2024-01-31_at_2.53.07_PM

How to set up and validate locally

Go to admin group settings (ie http://localhost:3000/admin/groups/gitlab-org/edit)


Edited by Annabel Dunstone Gray

Merge request reports