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Consolidation of AI Features and Ownership

David O'Regan requested to merge update-ai-feature-table into master


This merge request aims to consolidate the AI features across our DevSecOps platform, clarify team ownership, and determine the future of each feature, particularly whether they will be maintained as standalone or collapsed into the Chat Framework.


The changes in this merge request include updates to the documentation of AI features, their ownership, and their status. The goal is to ensure that each feature is accurately represented and that the responsible teams are correctly identified.

Team Confirmation

We kindly ask each team to confirm the following:

  1. Ownership: Please confirm if your team is correctly identified as the owner of the features listed in the documentation.
  2. Projects Used: Please confirm the projects used for your features as listed in the documentation.
  3. Feature Status: Please confirm which of your features are being kept and which are being deprecated.
  4. Chat Framework Integration: Please confirm if your features are standalone or if they are being collapsed into the Chat Framework.

Next Steps

If your team needs to collapse a feature into the Chat Framework, please create a spike issue to investigate the Level of Effort (LOE) required for this transition. This will help us better plan and allocate resources for this task.

Edited by David O'Regan

Merge request reports