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Splits out SAST reports to a new module

Sam Beckham requested to merge 11975-move-SAST-to-the-frontend into master

What does this MR do?

This MR splits out the SAST report logic in the security_reports store into a separate module. It also lays some of the groundwork for us to give the other reports the same treatment.

It also includes the mediator pattern that has been used in the security dashboard to allow the modules to trigger actions in other modules. Please see this article for a better explanation of this pattern.

Because I'm moving tests, actions, getter, mutations, and mutation types into a new module; it seems like there are a lot more changes than there actually is. If you look closely, you'll see a lot of these changes are copy/pasted.

There are no user-facing changes, it's all ~backstage everything should function in exactly the same way that it did before this change.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Performance and testing

Lays the groundwork for #11975 (closed)

Edited by Sam Beckham

Merge request reports