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Replace autodevops illustrations with devops-sm

Julia Miocene requested to merge illustrations-12-01 into master

What does this MR do and why?

Replace old autodevops illustration with the new devops-sm

Screenshots or screen recordings

Before After
CleanShot_2024-01-12_at_20.19.29_2x CleanShot_2024-01-12_at_20.23.14_2x

How to set up and validate locally

I don't know how to make this banner visible, but I see it on some personal projects, for example,

  1. Open app/helpers/auto_devops_helper.rb
  2. Replace show_auto_devops_callout block with
        def show_auto_devops_callout?(project)
            return true
  3. Go to any empty or new project
  4. See the banner

#430246 (closed)

Merge request reports