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Ensure correct host for Smocker Docker Container on `bridge` network

Illya Klymov requested to merge xanf-fix-smocker-qa into master

What does this MR do and why?

This MR ensures that we always return correct host for smocker docker container when running on bridge network

While working on multiple compliance MR I've observed QA job failure:

Example of failing job

However, this test is green on master, and I observed this test failing even on 100% unrelated changes

After digging through debug log of the job, it boils down to following log part (truncated for clarity):

[Dec 19 2023 01:23:46 UTC (QA Tests)] INFO  -- Executing: `docker network inspect test`
[Dec 19 2023 01:23:46 UTC (QA Tests)] DEBUG -- Command output:
Error response from daemon: network test not found
[Dec 19 2023 01:23:46 UTC (QA Tests)] INFO  -- Executing: `docker run -d --rm --network bridge --hostname smocker-server.bridge --name smocker-server --publish 8080:8080 --publish 8081:8081 thiht/smocker:0.17.1 `
[Dec 19 2023 01:23:48 UTC (QA Tests)] DEBUG -- Checking Smocker readiness
[Dec 19 2023 01:23:48 UTC (QA Tests)] DEBUG -- Smocker not ready yet 
 Failed to open TCP connection to smocker-server.bridge:8081 (getaddrinfo: Name or service not known)

What happens here? We're checking if test docker network exists, and it seems it does not exists when running tests in QA (it exists when running QA suite on master though, that's why the pipeline is green)

So --network flag defaults to bridge. However bridge network is not the same as others - it does not include custom NDS resolving, so attempting to reach smocker-server.bridge:8081 fails, since we need to access exposed ports on host itself, not by container DNS name

How to set up and validate locally

I've verified this originally using:

CI_PROJECT_NAME=local CI=1 QA_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG bundle exec rspec qa/specs/features/ee/browser_ui/10_govern/group/group_audit_event_streaming_spec.rb

(CI=1 is the key, CI_PROJECT_NAME is simply needed so it does not blows up)

Without CI=1 it will take different code path

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