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Move issuable sidebar below breadcrumb bar

Sascha Eggenberger requested to merge issuable-sidebar-update into master

What does this MR do and why?

Moves the issuable sidebar (on issues, epics, and incidents) below the fixed breadcrumb bar


  • The issuable sidebar is a part of the issuable object, so it follows that its part of the actual issuable page layout. This is in contrast to the full-height global sidebar on the left
  • This follows the pattern across other page layouts (the job page, the MR page, the issue board sidebar etc)
  • Fixes some misalignments currently present on production

Alignment fix screenshots

:notifications_todos_buttons enabled

Before After
Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.29.44_AM Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.29.48_AM

:notifications_todos_buttons disabled

Before After
Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.29.24_AM Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.29.37_AM

Layout screenshots

:notifications_todos_buttons enabled

Before After
Issue Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.13.51_AM Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.00.10_AM
Epic Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.13.45_AM Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.00.16_AM
Incident Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.13.48_AM Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.00.13_AM

:notifications_todos_buttons disabled

Before After
Issue Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.17.03_AM Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_9.59.20_AM
Epic Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.17.41_AM Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_9.59.27_AM
Incident Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_10.17.03_AM Screenshot_2023-12-15_at_9.59.23_AM

How to set up and validate locally

  • Enable :notifications_todos_buttons and check the following:
  1. Issue: http://gdk.test:3000/flightjs/Flight/-/issues/1
  2. Epic: http://gdk.test:3000/groups/flightjs/-/epics/1
  3. Incident: http://gdk.test:3000/flightjs/Flight/-/issues/41
  • Disable :notifications_todos_buttons and repeat

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #430244 (closed), #424396 (closed)

Edited by Annabel Dunstone Gray

Merge request reports