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Fix adding confidential child tasks

Nicolas Dular requested to merge cherry-pick-2390a488 into 16-6-stable-ee

What does this MR do and why?

Original MR: !138071 (merged)

The MR fixed a bug where confidential child tasks were not being added to the parent task when using the "Add existing task" button.

We removed querying the confidential attribute for work items. As a result users were no longer able to add existing confidential tasks to confidential issues.

The reason was that we check in the frontend if the existing child task is confidential, when the parent is as well. As we no longer queried confidential in our GraphQL query, we assumed that the task was not confidential and showed an error. The user was not able to add the task as we disabled the submit button.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

  • This MR is backporting a bug fix, documentation update, or spec fix, previously merged in the default branch.
  • The MR that fixed the bug on the default branch has been deployed to (not applicable for documentation or spec changes).
  • This MR has a [severity label] assigned (if applicable).
  • Set the milestone of the merge request to match the target backport branch version.
  • This MR has been approved by a maintainer (only one approval is required).
  • Ensure the e2e:package-and-test-ee job has either succeeded or been approved by a Software Engineer in Test.

This description was generated for revision 1c9098d0 using AI

Edited by Nicolas Dular

Merge request reports