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List and filter blobs in secrets check

Ahmed Hemdan requested to merge list-and-filter-blobs-in-secrets-check into master

What does this MR do and why?

This merge request updates the secrets push check introduced in several earlier merge requests:

To list and filter blobs for new git pushes so that:

  • they are below a bytes limit (i.e. 1 megabyte initially as planned).
  • quarantine directory existence is honored (read more).
  • binary blobs are filtered out.

Note: the merge request is part of a list of related merge requests, which were created iteratively to ensure ease of review and focused scope. Therefore, it shouldn't be reviewed in isolation from the rest of those merge requests.

Resolves #427044 (closed).

Related Merge Requests

Step Merge Request Description
5 This one. Updates the check to list and filter blobs of new git-push operations.
6 !137812 (merged) Invokes gitlab-secret_detection gem to scan blobs filtered.
7 !138790 (merged) Updates the check to add details of secrets detected (e.g. file path/commit sha)
8 !138831 (merged) Updates the check to introduce a bypass mechanism via commit special flag.

Feature flag + instance-level configuration

Please note the changes are behind a feature flag and an application setting too. It's not available to end users at the moment.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Ahmed Hemdan

Merge request reports