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Fix camelCase vs snake_case inconsistencies when accessing traces

What does this MR do and why?

  • Migrate UI away from deprecated JSON fields (Closes gitlab-org/opstrace/opstrace#2463 (closed) )
  • Remove inconsistent usage of camelCase vs snake_case when accessing traces data. (Closes gitlab-org/opstrace/opstrace#2430 (closed))
    • The data we get from the API is formatted in snake_case. I've considered converting the response to camelCase at runtime, but given the response could be quite big, I don't think it's worth impacting performance just for a styling preference. I've preferred instead to consistently use snake_case for any object related to traces.

Screenshots or screen recordings


How to set up and validate locally

  • Enable observability_tracing feature flag

Apply patch to load mocks ( pbpaste | git apply --allow-empty )

diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/observability/client.js b/app/assets/javascripts/observability/client.js
index 32ff7fff128f..c52b0f402362 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/observability/client.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/observability/client.js
@@ -1,21 +1,18101 @@
+/* eslint-disable @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */
 import * as Sentry from '~/sentry/sentry_browser_wrapper';
 import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils';
 import { logError } from '~/lib/logger';
 import { DEFAULT_SORTING_OPTION, SORTING_OPTIONS } from './constants';
+const mockData = {
+  project_id: 51792562,
+  traces: [
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:39:58.981780253Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648798981780253,
+      trace_id: '2b1f08cd-9d10-4ac5-90c3-47fa84ab1c80',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 931979,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:39:58.981780253Z',
+          span_id: 'D28D2485217F1874',
+          trace_id: '2b1f08cd-9d10-4ac5-90c3-47fa84ab1c80',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 931979,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:39:58.981914178Z',
+          span_id: 'CE64EF2386D5B768',
+          trace_id: '2b1f08cd-9d10-4ac5-90c3-47fa84ab1c80',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 516542,
+          parent_span_id: 'D28D2485217F1874',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:39:28.655321683Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648768655321683,
+      trace_id: '68a8cc4d-1403-4561-8721-e42ac8f0ec1b',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 806467,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:39:28.655321683Z',
+          span_id: '4AA0BAF116CD904D',
+          trace_id: '68a8cc4d-1403-4561-8721-e42ac8f0ec1b',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 806467,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:39:28.655458107Z',
+          span_id: '8716FEC7EF4E8BD9',
+          trace_id: '68a8cc4d-1403-4561-8721-e42ac8f0ec1b',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 440323,
+          parent_span_id: '4AA0BAF116CD904D',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:38:58.326464308Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648738326464308,
+      trace_id: '2af9172b-a326-0462-4dac-e7030928f67a',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 1199391,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:38:58.326464308Z',
+          span_id: 'C8701AF08593B86B',
+          trace_id: '2af9172b-a326-0462-4dac-e7030928f67a',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 1199391,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:38:58.326669557Z',
+          span_id: '5A26A5CDAAFEAAE1',
+          trace_id: '2af9172b-a326-0462-4dac-e7030928f67a',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 606424,
+          parent_span_id: 'C8701AF08593B86B',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:38:28.003531546Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648708003531546,
+      trace_id: '8f6293ce-895e-8c23-8966-03b9b6b60625',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 830728,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:38:28.003531546Z',
+          span_id: '1F03B387DE6C523B',
+          trace_id: '8f6293ce-895e-8c23-8966-03b9b6b60625',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 830728,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:38:28.00366749Z',
+          span_id: 'DD8501683E1D3F89',
+          trace_id: '8f6293ce-895e-8c23-8966-03b9b6b60625',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 427162,
+          parent_span_id: '1F03B387DE6C523B',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:37:57.682713952Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648677682713952,
+      trace_id: 'd057c76c-1032-59e0-8a8d-d4cbca420107',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 850928,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:37:57.682713952Z',
+          span_id: 'C57FA0DFAD04CCC1',
+          trace_id: 'd057c76c-1032-59e0-8a8d-d4cbca420107',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 850928,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:37:57.682852917Z',
+          span_id: 'CFC23BEC4B935D8F',
+          trace_id: 'd057c76c-1032-59e0-8a8d-d4cbca420107',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 467103,
+          parent_span_id: 'C57FA0DFAD04CCC1',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:37:27.360383093Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648647360383093,
+      trace_id: 'a6abd9ca-2299-e964-d233-3b782c8f5679',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 851823,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:37:27.360383093Z',
+          span_id: 'B39BEA97214DDC03',
+          trace_id: 'a6abd9ca-2299-e964-d233-3b782c8f5679',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 851823,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:37:27.360521433Z',
+          span_id: '64C63AB1CC3D1640',
+          trace_id: 'a6abd9ca-2299-e964-d233-3b782c8f5679',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 455900,
+          parent_span_id: 'B39BEA97214DDC03',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:36:57.037533839Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648617037533839,
+      trace_id: '10ff69ed-1bc1-c8ce-a4b5-5a3977b84119',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 978855,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:36:57.037533839Z',
+          span_id: '1319925A4440C1C3',
+          trace_id: '10ff69ed-1bc1-c8ce-a4b5-5a3977b84119',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 978855,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:36:57.037728364Z',
+          span_id: '8441716D0D8AB135',
+          trace_id: '10ff69ed-1bc1-c8ce-a4b5-5a3977b84119',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 494822,
+          parent_span_id: '1319925A4440C1C3',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:36:26.708700892Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648586708700892,
+      trace_id: 'd4651599-3874-0311-4472-3a40e85d224d',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 880603,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:36:26.708700892Z',
+          span_id: 'A1545E1E3815CDAA',
+          trace_id: 'd4651599-3874-0311-4472-3a40e85d224d',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 880603,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:36:26.708836504Z',
+          span_id: '207D9EF9FB625769',
+          trace_id: 'd4651599-3874-0311-4472-3a40e85d224d',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 476058,
+          parent_span_id: 'A1545E1E3815CDAA',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:35:56.386637133Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648556386637133,
+      trace_id: '6b17a799-3051-fd65-0b7e-eb90fb4d79f0',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 843868,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:35:56.386637133Z',
+          span_id: 'A1EAAAF04CB9C6B0',
+          trace_id: '6b17a799-3051-fd65-0b7e-eb90fb4d79f0',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 843868,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:35:56.386773495Z',
+          span_id: '0D2C9F1234F9D9AC',
+          trace_id: '6b17a799-3051-fd65-0b7e-eb90fb4d79f0',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 459356,
+          parent_span_id: 'A1EAAAF04CB9C6B0',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:35:26.056216951Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648526056216951,
+      trace_id: '092d479e-dc8c-d362-ad06-e7dbd3b7be6d',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 808965,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:35:26.056216951Z',
+          span_id: 'FE8B4C3ED15A9172',
+          trace_id: '092d479e-dc8c-d362-ad06-e7dbd3b7be6d',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 808965,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:35:26.056352438Z',
+          span_id: '4BBD65A2D9DAA4EF',
+          trace_id: '092d479e-dc8c-d362-ad06-e7dbd3b7be6d',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 446445,
+          parent_span_id: 'FE8B4C3ED15A9172',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:34:55.734890438Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648495734890438,
+      trace_id: 'ffd907a9-3f9b-d58e-c2aa-95497072a6ac',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 851323,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:34:55.734890438Z',
+          span_id: '8494E39D56D85F15',
+          trace_id: 'ffd907a9-3f9b-d58e-c2aa-95497072a6ac',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 851323,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:34:55.735027633Z',
+          span_id: '9499D63BDCB33552',
+          trace_id: 'ffd907a9-3f9b-d58e-c2aa-95497072a6ac',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 449360,
+          parent_span_id: '8494E39D56D85F15',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:34:25.405870899Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648465405870899,
+      trace_id: '0949fccb-4a17-331d-6fea-a2d462f51e0d',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 977794,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:34:25.405870899Z',
+          span_id: '874A3338AA9DFFEF',
+          trace_id: '0949fccb-4a17-331d-6fea-a2d462f51e0d',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 977794,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:34:25.406008762Z',
+          span_id: '327A1E396DA0785B',
+          trace_id: '0949fccb-4a17-331d-6fea-a2d462f51e0d',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 573851,
+          parent_span_id: '874A3338AA9DFFEF',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:33:55.083875717Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648435083875717,
+      trace_id: 'a5a7d3b9-20fc-f149-5083-4e9204a0e909',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 892203,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:33:55.083875717Z',
+          span_id: '769ACD2AFFFE9AF0',
+          trace_id: 'a5a7d3b9-20fc-f149-5083-4e9204a0e909',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 892203,
+          parent_span_id: '',
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+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:33:55.084020909Z',
+          span_id: 'DC9C09BDC22AF702',
+          trace_id: 'a5a7d3b9-20fc-f149-5083-4e9204a0e909',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 503110,
+          parent_span_id: '769ACD2AFFFE9AF0',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:33:24.758178674Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648404758178674,
+      trace_id: 'f77dcc68-0edf-5728-6aa2-3ffce6c7b567',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 1003658,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:33:24.758178674Z',
+          span_id: '1EEA7F1D7A989EAF',
+          trace_id: 'f77dcc68-0edf-5728-6aa2-3ffce6c7b567',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 1003658,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:33:24.758322761Z',
+          span_id: '3567BE817CA810C0',
+          trace_id: 'f77dcc68-0edf-5728-6aa2-3ffce6c7b567',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 573061,
+          parent_span_id: '1EEA7F1D7A989EAF',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T20:32:54.432701561Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699648374432701561,
+      trace_id: 'ead5dbd5-285a-2938-bcb3-3df6fb2d46a2',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
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+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:30:18.72110107Z',
+          span_id: '3E35ACBB0D3C8DE7',
+          trace_id: '1ea3cd6c-347b-6be8-2553-aa13a00f08ae',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 421685,
+          parent_span_id: 'A96E464FBC379CC9',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:29:48.398758467Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699633788398758467,
+      trace_id: '879436cd-46e4-fc8a-2a46-86d39f69dd19',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 829811,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:29:48.398758467Z',
+          span_id: '3B614BEF2792A952',
+          trace_id: '879436cd-46e4-fc8a-2a46-86d39f69dd19',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 829811,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:29:48.398893767Z',
+          span_id: 'B53858B47E82FE3C',
+          trace_id: '879436cd-46e4-fc8a-2a46-86d39f69dd19',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 453483,
+          parent_span_id: '3B614BEF2792A952',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:29:18.074769527Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699633758074769527,
+      trace_id: '5427afef-2dd8-5ad1-3071-5ea520c85549',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 929291,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:29:18.074769527Z',
+          span_id: 'C5E80A6FFBD72087',
+          trace_id: '5427afef-2dd8-5ad1-3071-5ea520c85549',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 929291,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:29:18.074943976Z',
+          span_id: 'CBB3DD2C3C58D7E5',
+          trace_id: '5427afef-2dd8-5ad1-3071-5ea520c85549',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 506214,
+          parent_span_id: 'C5E80A6FFBD72087',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:28:47.75231049Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699633727752310490,
+      trace_id: 'e6793162-8d79-a11c-c4c1-7c18cbccdf7d',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 938310,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:28:47.75231049Z',
+          span_id: '3C6BF708775D838E',
+          trace_id: 'e6793162-8d79-a11c-c4c1-7c18cbccdf7d',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 938310,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:28:47.752449246Z',
+          span_id: 'A2C0FFFDF12A3DEE',
+          trace_id: 'e6793162-8d79-a11c-c4c1-7c18cbccdf7d',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 543407,
+          parent_span_id: '3C6BF708775D838E',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:28:17.425071235Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699633697425071235,
+      trace_id: 'b01d11ff-7f70-0e80-e110-a8f11fd85790',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 917213,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:28:17.425071235Z',
+          span_id: 'BCA7D51792A8D4E3',
+          trace_id: 'b01d11ff-7f70-0e80-e110-a8f11fd85790',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 917213,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:28:17.425213949Z',
+          span_id: 'E16B0A3DCE367FCA',
+          trace_id: 'b01d11ff-7f70-0e80-e110-a8f11fd85790',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 505232,
+          parent_span_id: 'BCA7D51792A8D4E3',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+    {
+      timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:27:47.104477092Z',
+      timestamp_nano: 1699633667104477092,
+      trace_id: '6e2461ce-81ef-4dab-7ffa-a14e04b88f5e',
+      service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+      operation: '/',
+      status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      duration_nano: 1012467,
+      spans: [
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:27:47.104477092Z',
+          span_id: '593C6910EF72F4F7',
+          trace_id: '6e2461ce-81ef-4dab-7ffa-a14e04b88f5e',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: '/',
+          duration_nano: 1012467,
+          parent_span_id: '',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+        {
+          timestamp: '2023-11-10T16:27:47.104608456Z',
+          span_id: '4991E0E3EC80E835',
+          trace_id: '6e2461ce-81ef-4dab-7ffa-a14e04b88f5e',
+          service_name: 'featureflagservice',
+          operation: 'featureflagservice.repo.query:featureflags',
+          duration_nano: 577080,
+          parent_span_id: '593C6910EF72F4F7',
+          status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+          statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        },
+      ],
+      total_spans: 2,
+      totalSpans: 2,
+      statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    },
+  ],
+  total_traces: 500,
+  next_page_token:
 function reportErrorAndThrow(e) {
   throw e;
+function mockReturnDataWithDelay(data) {
+  return new Promise((resolve) => {
+    setTimeout(() => resolve(data), 500);
+  });
 // Provisioning API spec:
 async function enableObservability(provisioningUrl) {
   try {
     // Note: axios.put(url, undefined, {withCredentials: true}) does not send cookies properly, so need to use the API below for the correct behaviour
-    return await axios(provisioningUrl, {
-      method: 'put',
-      withCredentials: true,
-    });
+    return mockReturnDataWithDelay();
   } catch (e) {
     return reportErrorAndThrow(e);
@@ -24,11 +18104,11 @@ async function enableObservability(provisioningUrl) {
 // Provisioning API spec:
 async function isObservabilityEnabled(provisioningUrl) {
   try {
-    const { data } = await axios.get(provisioningUrl, { withCredentials: true });
+    const data = { status: 'ready' };
     if (data && data.status) {
       // we currently ignore the 'status' payload and just check if the request was successful
       // We might improve this as part of
-      return true;
+      return mockReturnDataWithDelay(true);
   } catch (e) {
     if (e.response.status === 404) {
@@ -40,19 +18120,118 @@ async function isObservabilityEnabled(provisioningUrl) {
 async function fetchTrace(tracingUrl, traceId) {
-  try {
-    if (!traceId) {
-      throw new Error('traceId is required.');
-    }
-    const { data } = await axios.get(`${tracingUrl}/${traceId}`, {
-      withCredentials: true,
-    });
-    return data;
-  } catch (e) {
-    return reportErrorAndThrow(e);
-  }
+  return mockReturnDataWithDelay({
+    timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.892999936Z',
+    trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+    service_name: 'frontend',
+    operation: 'HTTP POST',
+    status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+    duration_nano: 6870528,
+    spans: [
+      {
+        timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.892999936Z',
+        span_id: '86C2CAF54D03A839',
+        trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+        service_name: 'frontend',
+        operation: 'HTTP POST',
+        duration_nano: 6870528,
+        parent_span_id: '',
+        status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      },
+      {
+        timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.792999900Z',
+        span_id: '5E95BA1D4DCA629C',
+        trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+        service_name: 'frontend',
+        operation: 'grpc.oteldemo.CartService/AddItem',
+        duration_nano: 4674123,
+        parent_span_id: '86C2CAF54D03A839',
+        status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      },
+      {
+        timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.897313Z',
+        span_id: '79A1A33CCC36DC44',
+        trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+        service_name: 'cartservice',
+        operation: 'oteldemo.CartService/AddItem',
+        duration_nano: 1138200,
+        parent_span_id: '5E95BA1D4DCA629C',
+        status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      },
+      {
+        timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.8974467Z',
+        span_id: 'B43E6CFFD9AF4A68',
+        trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+        service_name: 'cartservice',
+        operation: 'HGET',
+        duration_nano: 360700,
+        parent_span_id: '79A1A33CCC36DC44',
+        status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      },
+      {
+        timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.8978547Z',
+        span_id: '80169B2C61AF41EF',
+        trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+        service_name: 'cartservice',
+        operation: 'HMSET',
+        duration_nano: 249500,
+        parent_span_id: '79A1A33CCC36DC44',
+        status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      },
+      {
+        timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.897999872Z',
+        span_id: '6C4E28FE982F2F73',
+        trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+        service_name: 'frontend',
+        operation: 'grpc.oteldemo.CartService/GetCart',
+        duration_nano: 1346816,
+        parent_span_id: '86C2CAF54D03A839',
+        status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      },
+      {
+        timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.8981128Z',
+        span_id: '427F06B0B498A482',
+        trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+        service_name: 'cartservice',
+        operation: 'EXPIRE',
+        duration_nano: 252200,
+        parent_span_id: '79A1A33CCC36DC44',
+        status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      },
+      {
+        timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.8995004Z',
+        span_id: 'FF45FE0F8C45FD68',
+        trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+        service_name: 'cartservice',
+        operation: 'oteldemo.CartService/GetCart',
+        duration_nano: 512400,
+        parent_span_id: '6C4E28FE982F2F73',
+        status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      },
+      {
+        timestamp: '2023-11-06T14:58:38.8996313Z',
+        span_id: 'F6D0D268E8A84A38',
+        trace_id: 'cfa0e008-002f-5505-0d05-31855d493ea0',
+        service_name: 'cartservice',
+        operation: 'HGET',
+        duration_nano: 290700,
+        parent_span_id: 'FF45FE0F8C45FD68',
+        status_code: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+        statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+      },
+    ],
+    total_spans: 9,
+    totalSpans: 9,
+    statusCode: 'STATUS_CODE_UNSET',
+  });
@@ -198,15 +18377,15 @@ async function fetchTraces(tracingUrl, { filters = {}, pageToken, pageSize, sort
   params.append('sort', sortOrder);
+  console.log(`fetching traces with params: ${params.toString()}`);
   try {
-    const { data } = await axios.get(tracingUrl, {
-      withCredentials: true,
-      params,
-    });
+    const data = mockData;
     if (!Array.isArray(data.traces)) {
       throw new Error('traces are missing/invalid in the response'); // eslint-disable-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings
-    return data;
+    return mockReturnDataWithDelay(data);
   } catch (e) {
     return reportErrorAndThrow(e);
@@ -214,15 +18393,16 @@ async function fetchTraces(tracingUrl, { filters = {}, pageToken, pageSize, sort
 async function fetchServices(servicesUrl) {
   try {
-    const { data } = await axios.get(servicesUrl, {
-      withCredentials: true,
-    });
+    const uniqueServices = new Set(
+ => => s.service_name)).flat(),
+    );
+    const data = { services: Array.from(uniqueServices).map((s) => ({ name: s })) };
     if (!Array.isArray( {
       throw new Error('failed to fetch services. invalid response'); // eslint-disable-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings
-    return;
+    return mockReturnDataWithDelay(;
   } catch (e) {
     return reportErrorAndThrow(e);
@@ -237,15 +18417,21 @@ async function fetchOperations(operationsUrl, serviceName) {
       throw new Error('fetchOperations() - operationsUrl must contain $SERVICE_NAME$');
     const url = operationsUrl.replace('$SERVICE_NAME$', serviceName);
-    const { data } = await axios.get(url, {
-      withCredentials: true,
-    });
+    console.log('fetching operations suggestions for', url); // eslint-disable-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings
+    const uniqOps = new Set(
+      mockData.traces
+        .map((t) => t.spans.filter((s) => s.service_name === serviceName))
+        .flat()
+        .map((s) => s.operation),
+    );
+    const data = { operations: Array.from(uniqOps).map((s) => ({ name: s })) };
     if (!Array.isArray(data.operations)) {
       throw new Error('failed to fetch operations. invalid response'); // eslint-disable-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings
-    return data.operations;
+    return mockReturnDataWithDelay(data.operations);
   } catch (e) {
     return reportErrorAndThrow(e);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/observability/components/observability_container.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/observability/components/observability_container.vue
index b89c2624f81c..f6cbf7ee771f 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/observability/components/observability_container.vue
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/observability/components/observability_container.vue
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ export default {
     // TODO: Improve local GDK dev experience with tracing
     // Uncomment the lines below to to test this locally
-    // setTimeout(() => {
-    //   this.messageHandler({
-    //     data: { type: 'AUTH_COMPLETION', status: 'success' },
-    //     origin: new URL(this.oauthUrl).origin,
-    //   });
-    // }, 2000);
+    setTimeout(() => {
+      this.messageHandler({
+        data: { type: 'AUTH_COMPLETION', status: 'success' },
+        origin: new URL(this.apiConfig.oauthUrl).origin,
+      });
+    }, 2000);
   destroyed() {
     window.removeEventListener('message', this.messageHandler);

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Daniele Rossetti

Merge request reports