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Remove whitespace from metric template

What does this MR do and why?

It modifies the metric template to make sure there is no trailing whitespace after tier: and distribution:.

I think white space is usually stripped since the metric definitions doesn't have many other occurrences of this.

Here is an example from a recent review: !135708 (9845a3c4) where trailing whitespace was added.

This MR also removes trailing whitespace from 4 existing metric definitions.

How to set up and validate locally

MR acceptance checklist

  1. Run the generator:

    rails generate gitlab:analytics:internal_events \
     --time_frames=7d \ \
     --group=code_review \
     --stage=create --section=dev \
     --event=i_code_review_saved_replies_use_in_mr \
  2. Verify that the generated metric config/metrics/counts_7d/count_distinct_user_id_from_i_code_review_saved_replies_use_in_mr_7d.yml has no trailing whitespace on the tier: and distribution: lines.

Edited by Jonas Larsen

Merge request reports