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Create blank gitlab-secret_detection gem

Serena Fang requested to merge blank-secret-detection-gem into master

What does this MR do and why?

This MR creates an empty Ruby gem called gitlab-secret_detection.

Resolves #426823 (closed)

Epic: Build a Ruby gem to perform secrets regex match... (&11612 - closed)

To perform keyword and regex matching on git blobs that may include secrets, we are creating a gem that will be included as a dependency in GitLab main codebase (gitlab-org/gitlab). This dependency will accept one or more git blobs, match them against a defined ruleset of regular expressions (based on gitleaks.toml used by secrets analyzer), and return scan results.

Related merge requests

Step Merge Request Description
1 This one. Create an empty gem
2 !136381 (merged) Implement the scanning logic
3 !136513 (closed) Connect the push check to the gem

The gitlab-secret_detection gem will be called by the secrets push check, which is implemented by another series of MRs.

Step Merge Request Description
1 !135032 (merged) Adds the secrets push check, and puts it behind a feature flag.
2 !135036 (merged) Updates the secrets push check to check for license (only ultimate is allowed).
3 !135164 (merged) Adds a new application setting for pre-receive SD, and updates the secrets push check accordingly.
4 !135273 (merged) Adds the UI for toggling the application setting of pre-receive SD

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Serena Fang

Merge request reports