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Draft: Protected packages: Integrate package protection rules for pypi packages

What does this MR do and why?

  • Push protecting pypi packages when a package protection rule exists.
  • Enabling pypi as a valid package type for package protection rules.
  • This MR enables the package protection for the package format 'pypi'.
  • When a PackageProtectionRule exists then newly pushed pypi packages will be protected / rejected.
  • This MR concentrates only on push protection for pypi packages; delete protection of pypi packages is out of scope for this MR.
  • This MR is part of the EPIC Identify packages as protected to prevent accid... (&5574)

🛠 with at Siemens

Screenshots or screen recordings

There are no frontend changes in this MR. The local validation steps contain a demo of the rejected command when a package is pushed.

How to set up and validate locally

  1. Enable feature flag via rails c
  1. Open the rails console (rails c) and start playing around with the new model
  project: Project.find_by(name: "Flight"),
  package_name_pattern: "protected-packages-examples-pypi-python-package",
  package_type: :pypi,
  push_protected_up_to_access_level: :owner
  1. Create a dummy pypi python package
  2. Adjust the package name in pyproject.toml and set it to "protected-packages-examples-pypi-python-package" <= this should match the given package_name_pattern in step 2
  3. Create or adjust file .pypirc in order to push the pypi package to your local GitLab registry, see the given package_name_pattern in step 3
  4. Build the pypi package and publish the pypi package
rm dist/* &&
python3 -m build &&
python3 -m twine upload --verbose --repository gitlab_gdk_test dist/* 
  1. Pushing the pypi package should be blocked by the Packages::Protection::Rule created in step 3 💥
  2. Now, change the package name in pyproject.toml and set it to "protected-packages-examples-pypi-python-package-other" <= this will not match the given package_name_pattern in step 3
  3. Build the pypi package and publish the pypi package again
rm dist/* &&
python3 -m build &&
python3 -m twine upload --verbose --repository gitlab_gdk_test dist/* 
  1. Pushing the pypi package should not be blocked by the Packages::Protection::Rule as the package name does not match 👍


Other refactoring opportunities

  • Rename helper on top of file
  • Expect to be like the param
  • Extract to sharede examples
  • Assess why is is possible to define a user with no attachment to project => check if there is a bug
  • Check if deploy token can be used with the pypi create package service
  • Return propoer error message when package is already taekn push same python pacakge over and over again
  • Warnings
be rspec /Users/client-siemens/Development/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/spec/requests/api/pypi_packages_spec.rb
WARNING: Shared example group 'creating pypi package files' has been previously defined at:
...and you are now defining it at:
The new definition will overwrite the original one.
WARNING: Shared example group 'creating pypi package files' has been previously defined at:
...and you are now defining it at:
The new definition will overwrite the original one.
WARNING: Shared example group 'creating pypi package files' has been previously defined at:
...and you are now defining it at:
The new definition will overwrite the original one.
Run options: include {:focus=>true}

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #323971

Edited by Gerardo Navarro

Merge request reports