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Update path of template

level101 requested to merge level101/gitlab:secret-detection-update-doc into master

What does this MR do and why?

TL;DR It will avoid error when use latest template.

According to the doc you can use this code, which will works fine.

  - template: Security/Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml

According to the doc you can also use latest template Secret-Detection.latest.gitlab-ci.yml

But if you do like this (which is obvious for user)

  - template: Security/Secret-Detection.latest.gitlab-ci.yml

You will get error Included file Security/Secret-Detection.latest.gitlab-ci.yml is empty or does not exist! because such file really do not exist.

The reason because Security/Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml refers to Jobs/Secret-Detection.latest.gitlab-ci.yml, but Secret-Detection.latest.gitlab-ci.yml only placed under Jobs/Secret-Detection.latest.gitlab-ci.yml

This is not obvious, so my proposal to update doc to use path Jobs/...

Additional context !134341 (comment 1607829968)

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