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Cleanup title area shared registry component

What does this MR do and why?

  • Additionally, changes initialisation from mounted to created
  • Remove unnecessary updated hook
  • Remove unused method in terraform registry
  • Removes eslint-disable rules in shared component.
  • Refactor container registry details_header_spec to not stub TitleArea component.
  • Remove unnecessary tests, fixes spec for vue3-migration

Screenshots or screen recordings

No change in UI

How to set up and validate locally

The title-area component is reused in multiple places, so while there is no change in UI, it would be test their usages:

Package Registry

List & Details

  1. rails c - Open the rails console
  2. p = Project.find(1) - Find one of your GDK projects. Project id can be found on the project home page
  3. FactoryBot.create_list(:npm_package, 10, project: p, name: - Creates 10 npm packages
  4. Add this line if above fails during the creation
     def fixture_file_upload(*args, **kwargs)*args, **kwargs)
  5. Visit groups & projects package list page.
  6. visit package registry detail page via groups & projects package list page

Container Registry

Images list

  1. Setup & enable Container Registry
  2. Follow steps in
  3. To see pagination, run the following in the terminal
    $ ./ <project-path> 2 10 # creates 10 images with 2 tags each
  4. Visit the container registry list page for the project

Tags list

  1. After following previous instructions, visit the container registry list page for the project
  2. Clicking one of the images should take you the tags list(details) page

Dependency proxy

  1. Enable dependency proxy on GDK.

  2. Visit Gitlab-org Group > Packages and registries > Dependency proxy

  3. Assuming is the Dependency proxy image prefix on the page, run the following on the terminal:

    versions=("latest" "1.33.1" "1.33" "1.32.1"); proxy_url=""; for version in "${versions[@]}"; do docker pull "${proxy_url}/busybox:${version}"; done

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Closes #413395 (closed)

Edited by Rahul Chanila

Merge request reports