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Refetch job list when an artifactless job remains

Miranda Fluharty requested to merge 415927-refetch-artifacts-on-delete into master

What does this MR do and why?

Refetch job list when an artifactless job remains

When artifacts are deleted from the artifacts page in a way that leaves a job with no artifacts in the list, refetch the list of jobs

Changelog: changed

Screenshots or screen recordings

Scenario Before After
delete artifacts in a way that leaves an empty job Screen_Recording_2024-02-27_at_15.56.20
job remains on page, displays 0 files
list of jobs reloads, empty job(s) disappear
delete artifacts in a way that each job still has some artifacts Screen_Recording_2024-02-27_at_16.19.45
list is not reloaded
no change

How to set up and validate locally

  1. git checkout 415927-refetch-artifacts-on-delete
  2. find/make/import a project with a pipeline with a job that generates artifacts
you can use this CI yaml to generate some sample artifacts:
# .gitlab-ci.yml

  stage: build
    - echo 'potato' >> potato.txt
    expose_as: 'potato'
    paths: ['potato.txt']

  stage: build
    - echo 'tomato' >> tomato.txt
    expose_as: 'tomato'
    paths: ['tomato.txt']

  stage: build
    - echo 'pineapple' >> pineapple.txt
    expose_as: 'pineapple'
    paths: ['pineapple.txt']

  stage: build
    - echo 'apple' >> apple.txt
    expose_as: 'apple'
    paths: ['apple.txt']
  1. run a pipeline for that project - for this you'll need to set up a local runner for GDK or enable runners in gitpod
  2. navigate to the project, and in the sidebar select Build => Artifacts
  3. delete all artifact files from one or more of the jobs
  4. the list of jobs should refetch so that any now-empty jobs disappear (and if >20 jobs are present, are replaced by jobs from the next page)

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #415927

Edited by Miranda Fluharty

Merge request reports