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Migrate Buttons to Pajamas::ButtonComponent in owner_alert_component.rb

Issue Id: #416038 (closed)

This merge request updates the owner_alert_component.rb file in the ee/app/components/namespaces/combined_storage_users directory to migrate

the existing buttons to use the Pajamas::ButtonComponent abstraction, as outlined in the parent epic &8153.

The following changes have been made:

The namespace_primary_cta method now uses the Pajamas::ButtonComponent with the following properties:

Text: "Manage usage"

Variant: "info"

Tracking Action: "click_button"

Tracking Label: "manage_users_storage_limits"

Link: group_usage_quotas_path(root_namespace, source: 'users-storage-limit-alert-enforcement')

The namespace_secondary_cta method now uses the Pajamas::ButtonComponent with the following properties:

Text: "Explore paid plans"

Variant: "default"

Tracking Action: "click_button"

Tracking Label: "explore_paid_plans"

Link: group_billings_path(root_namespace, source: 'users-storage-limit-alert-enforcement')

Additionally, a link_to code snippet in the admin_user_permission_exports_path method has been updated to use the Pajamas::ButtonComponent:

The Pajamas::ButtonComponent is rendered with the following properties:

Variant: "default"

Link: admin_user_permission_exports_path(format: :csv)

HTML Options:

Class: "gl-button btn btn-default btn-icon"

Data: { toggle: "tooltip", placement: "top", container: "body" }

Title: "Export permissions as CSV (max 100,000 users)"

Icon: "upload"

These changes improve the codebase by migrating the buttons to use the standardized Pajamas::ButtonComponent, ensuring consistent styling and behavior across the application.

Merge request reports