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Move Full Stop Outside "Learn More" Link in unconfigured_security_rules.vue

Jaya Krishna Jasti requested to merge JayaKrishnaJasti/gitlab:move into master

Issue Id: #414686 (closed)

This merge request focuses on improving the formatting of the file

ee/app/assets/javascripts/approvals/components/security_configuration/unconfigured_security_rules.vue. Currently, there is an issue with the placement of a full stop within the "Learn More" link, which affects the overall readability and adherence to style guidelines. The full stop should be positioned outside the link for consistency and better presentation.

To enhance the formatting, I have made the necessary adjustments to move the full stop outside the "Learn More" link in the specified file. This ensures a more polished and professional appearance.

Before the modification: The "Learn More" link within the file appears as %{linkStart}Learn more.%{linkEnd}.

After the modification: The "Learn More" link within the file now appears as %{linkStart}Learn more%{linkEnd}.

By moving the full stop outside the hyperlink, we improve the visual aesthetics and conform to the expected style guidelines.

Merge request reports