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Add mutation to dismiss multiple vulnerabilities

mo khan requested to merge mokhax/321013/bulk-mutation into master

What does this MR do and why?

This change introduces a new mutation (Mutation.VulnerabilitiesDismiss) to dismiss multiple vulnerabilities at the same time. It accepts a maximum of 100 vulnerability id's at a time and performs bulk inserts and updates to the vulnerabilities, vulnerability_state_transitions, vulnerability_reads and notes tables.

#321013 (closed)

The following SQL queries are examples of the queries that are executed to perform a bulk update of 100 vulnerabilities.

  "projects"."id" IN ( SELECT DISTINCT
      "vulnerabilities"."id" IN (4326, 4327, 4328, 4329, 4330, 4331, 4332, 4333, 4334, 4335, 4336, 4337, 4338, 4339, 4340, 4341, 4342, 4343, 4344, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4352, 4353, 4354, 4355, 4356, 4357, 4358, 4359, 4360, 4361, 4362, 4363, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4367, 4368, 4369, 4370, 4371, 4372, 4373, 4374, 4375, 4376, 4377, 4378, 4379, 4380, 4381, 4382, 4383, 4384, 4385, 4386, 4387, 4388, 4389, 4390, 4391, 4392, 4393, 4394, 4395, 4396, 4397, 4398, 4399, 4400, 4401, 4402, 4403, 4404, 4405, 4406, 4407, 4408, 4409, 4410, 4411, 4412, 4413, 4414, 4415, 4416, 4417, 4418, 4419, 4420, 4421, 4422, 4423, 4424, 4425))

  "namespaces"."type" = 'Group'
  AND "namespaces"."id" = 73460
  "namespaces"."id" = 73460
  "project_features"."project_id" = 34540
  MAX("project_authorizations"."access_level") AS maximum_access_level,
  "project_authorizations"."user_id" AS project_authorizations_user_id
  "project_authorizations"."project_id" = 34540
  AND "project_authorizations"."user_id" = 38931
  "vulnerabilities"."id" IN (4326, 4327, 4328, 4329, 4330, 4331, 4332, 4333, 4334, 4335, 4336, 4337, 4338, 4339, 4340, 4341, 4342, 4343, 4344, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4352, 4353, 4354, 4355, 4356, 4357, 4358, 4359, 4360, 4361, 4362, 4363, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4367, 4368, 4369, 4370, 4371, 4372, 4373, 4374, 4375, 4376, 4377, 4378, 4379, 4380, 4381, 4382, 4383, 4384, 4385, 4386, 4387, 4388, 4389, 4390, 4391, 4392, 4393, 4394, 4395, 4396, 4397, 4398, 4399, 4400, 4401, 4402, 4403, 4404, 4405, 4406, 4407, 4408, 4409, 4410, 4411, 4412, 4413, 4414, 4415, 4416, 4417, 4418, 4419, 4420, 4421, 4422, 4423, 4424, 4425)
  AND "vulnerabilities"."state" != 2

INSERT INTO "notes" ("noteable_type", "noteable_id", "project_id", "system", "note", "author_id", "created_at", "updated_at")
  VALUES ('Vulnerability', 4326, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4327, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4328, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4329, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4330, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4331, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4332, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4333, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4334, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4335, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4336, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4337, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4338, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4339, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4340, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4341, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4342, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4343, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4344, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4345, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4346, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4347, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4348, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4349, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4350, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4351, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4352, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4353, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4354, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4355, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4356, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4357, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4358, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4359, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4360, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4361, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4362, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4363, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4364, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4365, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4366, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4367, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4368, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4369, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4370, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4371, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4372, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4373, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4374, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4375, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4376, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4377, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4378, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4379, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4380, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4381, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4382, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4383, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4384, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4385, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4386, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4387, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4388, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4389, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4390, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4391, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4392, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4393, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4394, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4395, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4396, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4397, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4398, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4399, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4400, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4401, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4402, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4403, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4404, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4405, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4406, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4407, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4408, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4409, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4410, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4411, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4412, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4413, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4414, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4415, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4416, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4417, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4418, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4419, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4420, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4421, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4422, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4423, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4424, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  ('Vulnerability', 4425, 34540, TRUE, 'changed vulnerability status to Dismissed: Used In Tests and the following comment: "Dismissal Feedback"', 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435')
INSERT INTO "vulnerability_state_transitions" ("vulnerability_id", "from_state", "to_state", "comment", "dismissal_reason", "author_id", "created_at", "updated_at")
  VALUES (4326, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4327, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4328, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4329, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4330, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4331, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4332, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4333, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4334, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4335, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4336, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4337, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4338, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4339, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4340, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4341, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4342, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4343, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4344, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4345, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4346, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4347, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4348, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4349, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4350, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4351, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4352, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4353, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4354, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4355, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4356, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4357, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4358, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4359, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4360, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4361, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4362, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4363, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4364, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4365, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4366, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4367, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4368, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4369, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4370, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4371, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4372, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4373, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4374, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4375, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4376, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4377, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4378, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4379, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4380, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4381, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4382, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4383, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4384, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4385, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4386, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4387, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4388, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4389, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4390, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4391, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4392, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4393, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4394, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4395, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4396, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4397, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4398, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4399, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4400, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4401, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4402, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4403, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4404, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4405, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4406, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4407, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4408, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4409, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4410, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4411, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4412, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4413, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4414, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4415, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4416, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4417, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4418, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4419, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4420, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4421, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4422, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4423, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4424, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'),
  (4425, 1, 2, 'Dismissal Feedback', 3, 38931, '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435', '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435')
  "dismissal_reason" = 3
  "vulnerability_reads"."vulnerability_id" IN (
      "vulnerabilities"."id" IN (4326, 4327, 4328, 4329, 4330, 4331, 4332, 4333, 4334, 4335, 4336, 4337, 4338, 4339, 4340, 4341, 4342, 4343, 4344, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4352, 4353, 4354, 4355, 4356, 4357, 4358, 4359, 4360, 4361, 4362, 4363, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4367, 4368, 4369, 4370, 4371, 4372, 4373, 4374, 4375, 4376, 4377, 4378, 4379, 4380, 4381, 4382, 4383, 4384, 4385, 4386, 4387, 4388, 4389, 4390, 4391, 4392, 4393, 4394, 4395, 4396, 4397, 4398, 4399, 4400, 4401, 4402, 4403, 4404, 4405, 4406, 4407, 4408, 4409, 4410, 4411, 4412, 4413, 4414, 4415, 4416, 4417, 4418, 4419, 4420, 4421, 4422, 4423, 4424, 4425)
      AND "vulnerabilities"."state" != 2)
  "state" = 2,
  "dismissed_by_id" = 38931,
  "dismissed_at" = '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435',
  "updated_at" = '2023-06-21 21:37:29.834435'
  "vulnerabilities"."id" IN (4326, 4327, 4328, 4329, 4330, 4331, 4332, 4333, 4334, 4335, 4336, 4337, 4338, 4339, 4340, 4341, 4342, 4343, 4344, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4352, 4353, 4354, 4355, 4356, 4357, 4358, 4359, 4360, 4361, 4362, 4363, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4367, 4368, 4369, 4370, 4371, 4372, 4373, 4374, 4375, 4376, 4377, 4378, 4379, 4380, 4381, 4382, 4383, 4384, 4385, 4386, 4387, 4388, 4389, 4390, 4391, 4392, 4393, 4394, 4395, 4396, 4397, 4398, 4399, 4400, 4401, 4402, 4403, 4404, 4405, 4406, 4407, 4408, 4409, 4410, 4411, 4412, 4413, 4414, 4415, 4416, 4417, 4418, 4419, 4420, 4421, 4422, 4423, 4424, 4425)
  AND "vulnerabilities"."state" != 2

Screenshots or screen recordings

When the feature flag is disabled:


When executed with valid arguments:


With a generated system note:


When executed with too many vulnerabilities (maximum 100):


How to set up and validate locally

  1. Call Feature.enable(:dismiss_vulnerabilities) in the rails console for the relevant project(s).
  2. Visit the graphql explorer http://gdk.test:3000/-/graphql-explorer
  3. Execute the mutation
    mutation dismissVulnerabilities($ids: [VulnerabilityID!]!, $comment: String!) {
        input: {vulnerabilityIds: $ids, comment: $comment, dismissalReason: USED_IN_TESTS}
      ) {
        vulnerabilities {
          dismissedBy {
          stateTransitions {
            nodes {
              author {
      "ids": [
      "comment": "A comment"
  4. Verify the results by checking that the state is DISMISSED and that the stateTransitions includes a transition with a toState of DISMISSED.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by mo khan

Merge request reports