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E2E - add new upload file spec for WebIDE

Nivetha Prabakaran requested to merge nprabakaran-upload-file-webide into master

Description of the test

This MR is a rework of !110699 (closed) based on the new context without feature flags

A rewrite of upload_new_file_in_web_ide_spec.rb for the new vscode WebIDE.

Issue Discussion: #382146 (closed)

  1. Upload a file when the same name already exists
  • Go to vscode webide
  • Right click and upload from file browser
  • Confirm that there's a file already existing
  1. Upload new text_file.txt
  • Go to vscode webide
  • Right click and upload from file browser
  • Commit and Push to branch
  • Go to create MR and verify changes are there on the MR page
  1. Upload new image file 'dk.png'
  • Go to vscode webide
  • Right click and upload from file browser
  • Commit and Push to branch
  • Go to create MR and verify changes are there on the MR page

How to set up and validate locally


bundle exec bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://gdk.test:3000/ qa/specs/features/browser_ui/3_create/web_ide/upload_new_file_in_web_ide_spec.rb


  • Confirm the test has a testcase: tag linking to an existing test case in the test case project.
  • Note if the test is intended to run in specific scenarios. If a scenario is new, add a link to the MR that adds the new scenario.
  • Follow the end-to-end tests style guide and best practices.
  • Use the appropriate RSpec metadata tag(s).
  • Most resources will be cleaned up via the general cleanup task. Check that is successful, or ensure resources are cleaned up in the test:
    • New resources have api_get_path and api_delete_path implemented if possible.
    • If any resource cannot be deleted in the general delete task, make sure it is ignored.
    • If any resource cannot be deleted in the general delete task, remove it in the test (e.g., in an after block).
  • Ensure that no transient bugs are hidden accidentally due to the usage of waits and reloads.
  • Verify the tags to ensure it runs on the desired test environments.
  • If this MR has a dependency on another MR, such as a GitLab QA MR, specify the order in which the MRs should be merged.
  • (If applicable) Create a follow-up issue to document the special setup necessary to run the test: ISSUE_LINK
  • If the test requires an admin's personal access token, ensure that the test passes on your local environment with and without the GITLAB_QA_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN provided.
Edited by Tiffany Rea

Merge request reports
