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Update the lease key to contain package's version

🌱 Context

In !114317 (merged) we started obtaining a lease when creating a new npm package.

During the rollout of the FF on, the issue was revealed that the Package Registry might get many continuous requests for the same package name and project_id but with with different version. Thus, we need to take version into account when obtaining a lease.

What does this MR do and why?

  • Update the lease key to contain a package's version.

Screenshots or screen recordings


How to set up and validate locally

  1. Enable the npm_obtain_lease_to_create_package feature flag:

    Feature.enable(:npm_obtain_lease_to_create_package, Project.first)
  2. Create a rake task lib/tasks/packages/race_condition.rake that's going to simulate a parallel creation of npm packages using Thread.

    # frozen_string_literal: true
    desc 'GitLab | Packages | Race condition'
    namespace :gitlab do
      namespace :packages do
        task race_condition: :environment do
          # Similar setup to what we have in the tests
          user = User.first
          project = Project.find(1)
          params = JSON.parse(
  'spec/fixtures/packages/npm/payload.json').gsub('@root/npm-test', 'my-package')
          wait_for_it = true
          threads = do |i|
              true while wait_for_it
              modified_params = Gitlab::Json.parse(params.to_json.gsub("1.0.1", "1.0.#{i}")).with_indifferent_access
    , user, modified_params).execute
          wait_for_it = false
  3. Execute the rake task from the previous step.

    $ rake gitlab:packages:race_condition
  4. In rails console verify amount of created npm packages. It should be 10

    Packages::Package.where(name: 'my-package').count
  5. After the verification is done, it's time to delete the rake task.

    $ rm -rf lib/tasks/packages

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Dzmitry (Dima) Meshcharakou

Merge request reports