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Add width customization to Latest Release Badge

What does this MR do and why?

Adds the possibility to provide a parameter to the latest releases badge endpoint to customize the width of the value area of the badge.

When using date as a release value, date is not contained in the standard width of 54 px of the latest release badge.

One possibility would be implement a "calculation" of the text width and provide it to final badge, like they do in google/pybadges repo:

Or to give the possibility to the user to change the size as a parameter of the URL, how it is done to the customization of the badge title text and width. This is what this merge request tries to do.

Screenshots or screen recordings

Original releases badge: image

Customized value width: image

Here is the comparison in the Gitpod instance: image

How to set up and validate locally

  • Create a new project, or use one where you have access to the project settings.
  • Make sure there is at least one commit (the original commit made by gitlab with the README is enough)
  • Make sure there is at least on release with a long name, for instance today's date: 2023-03-04, otherwise create a tag 2023-03-04 and then a release with the same name 2023-03-04
  • On the left side click on Settings -> General.
  • Open the badges section
  • Set Latest Release as Name
  • Set any link you prefer
  • Set{project_path}/badges/release.svg as Badge image URL, you will notice that the release number is clamped
  • Set{project_path}/badges/release.svg?value_width=85 instead of the previous one and you will have a centered text, easy to be read.

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Edited by Francesco Caponio

Merge request reports