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Process webhook notifications for manifest delete events

Adie (she/her) requested to merge 382568-track-usage-manifest-delete into master

What does this MR do and why?

Closes #382568 (closed).

This MR utilizes the existing webhook notification for the deletion of a manifest and processes it to push data to Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter and adding a new event to the Service Ping.

New event: i_container_registry_delete_manifest_user

For groupcontainer registry, we want to have weekly and monthly aggregations of these events thus we have both monthly and weekly metric definitions. The events that are considered within this MR are the ones from a User.

We have previously processed webhook notifications for tags and repository in !107918 (merged). In this MR, we extend the functionality to also include manifest delete events.

How to set up and validate locally

To validate locally, setup the Service Ping locally with this guide.

1.Verifying the metric definitions appear on usage data
curl http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/usage_data/metric_definitions | grep  -C 5 'i_container_registry'

This would return the metric definitions.

2.Verify that our new counters are part of the redis_hll_counters

Open the rails console:

bundle exec rails c

And then query the following:

usage =;nil
usage.dig('redis_hll_counters', 'user_container_registry').keys

Verify that the following are part of the results:

3.Verify that the counters are increased

The counters are increased when container_registry calls the endpoint. We can test the counters by simulating a call to the endpoint.

To be able to curl without any tokens,

  • open api/container_registry_event.rb and
  • comment out the line before { authenticate_registry_notification! }
curl -d '{
    "events": [
        "id": "a582a0f3-e620-43e6-8e98-ff850fc9d984",
        "timestamp": "2023-01-25T14:45:54.17327+11:00",
        "action": "delete",
        "target": {
          "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
          "size": 528,
          "digest": "sha256:af06af3514c44a964d3b905b498cf6493db8f1cde7c10e078213a89c87308ba0",
          "length": 528,
          "url": "http://registry.test:5000/v2/root/test/manifests/sha256:af06af3514c44a964d3b905b498cf6493db8f1cde7c10e078213a89c87308ba0"
        "request": {
          "id": "8ef8d69b-f957-45ab-ba2c-9153291f47b6",
          "addr": "",
          "host": "registry.test:5000",
          "method": "PUT",
          "useragent": "docker/20.10.18 go/go1.18.6 git-commit/e42327a6d3c55ceda3bd5475be7aae6036d02db3 kernel/5.15.68-0-virt os/linux arch/arm64 UpstreamClient(Docker-Client/20.10.22 \\(darwin\\))"
        "actor": {
          "name": "root",
          "user_type": "personal_access_token"
        "source": {
          "addr": "",
          "instanceID": "45681f21-a006-42f2-ab7c-4cc37d8906b4"
  }' -H "Content-Type: application/"  -X POST  'http://gdk.test:3000/api/v4/container_registry_event/events'

And then to verify that the metric was counted, do a:

Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter.unique_events(event_names: 'i_container_registry_delete_manifest_user',
  start_date: Date.current.beginning_of_week, end_date: Date.current.next_week)

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Related to #382568 (closed)

Edited by Adie (she/her)

Merge request reports