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Filter out redundant directories from CODEOWNERS

What does this MR do and why?

Until now we have sections with like the following in the codeowners:

/doc/administration/geo/ @axil
/doc/administration/geo/disaster_recovery/ @axil
/doc/administration/geo/disaster_recovery/runbooks/ @axil
/doc/administration/geo/replication/ @axil
/doc/administration/geo/secondary_proxy/ @axil
/doc/administration/geo/setup/ @axil

All lines after the first one are redundant as they are covered by the first line.

This MR changes the tw:codeowners rake task to filter them out.

Related Issue

Refine how to run batch updates for the CODEOWN... (technical-writing#668 - closed)

Screenshots or screen recordings

Partial diff after running the script:


How to set up and validate locally

As for all the other MRs touching the script:

  • run bin/rake tw:codeowners
  • Inspect the content of .gitlab/CODEOWNERS (or review git diff)

MR acceptance checklist

This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.

Merge request reports